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Guide profiles get deleted randomly

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    Guide profiles get deleted randomly

    This has happened a few times now..

    I create 2 profiles - "Default" and "Leveling". I set the "Default" profile as a default for every character and I use the leveling profile for my leveling characters. They differ slighly in the automation settings, but are mostly similar.

    Sometimes, when I exit the game, I return to a fresh guide with no profiles besides the automatically created one for the character I logged onto, which I exited the game on.

    I'm sick of constantly having to create and modify my profiles.

    This is on a fresh installation. I have tried deleting the SavedVariables files as well.

    I also regularly provide feedback from the in-game feedback submission. Could it be possible my profiles get deleted when the desktop program uploads my feedback?
    Last edited by peshyy; October 9, 2022, 04:49 AM.

    Since this is the first I've heard of profiles going missing I would highly doubt it's being caused by the feedback being uploaded to us. Is it possible that another addon is having a minor conflict with the guide viewer and messing with the exit procedures when the settings are being saved?
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      I am having the same issue. Ever since the first Zygor guide update for Dragonflight, I have to rebuild my profiles each time I login to each character. It forgets my stealth settings, guide size, font size, etc, I turn off Auto-Accept quests, turn off auto sell, basically turn off all automatic things under the automate tab. I have all of my addons updated, including Zygor, so while it isn't impossible something else could cause this, I don't see it being likely. It is highly annoying to have to reset each character (I have 20) each time they log out of world and then log back in.


        We'll check into this to see if we can reproduce it.
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