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Zygor Lua Error

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    Zygor Lua Error

    Since last update Zygor is showing error with each login in.
    I have no tratking quests, rep, etc active.

    Clean install of addon - error is still visible
    delete of wtf and addons folder in retail directory - error is still visible

    Zrzut ekranu 2022-12-29 205640.jpg

    Are you using the Stealth or Starlight skin?
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      this guide was a good program, But I can't play wolk classic wow with a luna error every 30 sec saying the tbc viewer luna error over and over and over. Why should I pay 10 bucks a month for this crap, and really have no support here? I uninstalled the game 3 times and reinstalled the game, and still, the same thing, will give you guys a day to come up with something, or the 30 people in my guild that uses this also, am going to tell them in my opinion junk now and dump the program, they all say the same thing as I do about this program now. I posted this trying to get to the admin of the site but they have it so you can't put in your name and stuff so you can send this to the admin on the support page.


        What error are you getting? Please post the error you see.
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          i do not use any of skins at all.
          Basic ingame UI wih only Zygor - error pops up every time
          ElvUI - error pops as well

          AS i wrote i have deleted everything - WTF and Addons foldor - and on clean game wihout any addons - just with Zygor - error is still there.


            In the guide viewer settings, the first section. One of those settings is a skin for how the guide viewer looks and it has 2 options, Stealth and Starlight. Which one are your settings set to? Try setting it to the other skin until we get the update sent out. This should be fixed in our next update.
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