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Translated flight paths

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    Translated flight paths

    From an email:

    first of all, i love your AddOn. But on the german WoW it has a lot of Bugs, like LibTaxi.

    "LibTaxi Error: Unknown taxi Steinbruch von Gol'Bolar, Dun Morogh
    LibTaxi Error: Unknown taxi Der Sichere Hafen, Sümpfe des Elends
    LibTaxi Error: Unknown taxi Staubwindausgrabung, Ödland
    LibTaxi Error: Unknown taxi Ostwallturm, Östliche Pestländer
    LibTaxi Error: Unknown taxi Hain des Sumpfhüters, Sumpfland
    LibTaxi Error: Unknown taxi Späherkuppe, Westfall
    LibTaxi Error: Unknown taxi Lichtschildturm, Östliche Pestländer
    LibTaxi Error: Unknown taxi Die Zuflucht, Arathi
    LibTaxi Error: Unknown taxi Pestwaldturm, Östliche Pestländer
    LibTaxi Error: Unknown taxi Schieferwindtal, Rotkammgebirge
    LibTaxi Error: Unknown taxi Rebellenlager, Schlingendorntal"
    My Flight Path Follies guide

    A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

    I reject your reality and substitute my own.

    All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.

    I never saw errors with my German WoW client and the guide related to filght points, I think the guide uses LibRover rather than LibTaxi.
    However both libraries lack some translations and at least some time ago flight point detection did not work with a German WoW client.
    I don't know if this has been worked on as I did not use leveling guides for some time.

