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Guide's text box has advanced to encompass the entire lower portion of my screen

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    Guide's text box has advanced to encompass the entire lower portion of my screen

    Is there any way to shrink the guide back to its original size? I have tried everything that I can think of, with no resolution, including reinstalling the guides themselves. However the bar is still about 8" long, instead of the original 2-3". I have atempted to contact support options but the web pages are not found. :-(

    When in the guide options at the bottom of the Window screen should be a button to reset the window. If that doesn't work then navigate to your WoW/WTF/Account/accountnam/SavedVariables folder and delete the Zygor files in there to do a complete reset of the guides.
    My Flight Path Follies guide

    A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

    I reject your reality and substitute my own.

    All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


      Thank you, I will try deleting from the WOW folder since the reset doesn't work.


        Originally posted by klhals View Post
        Thank you, I will try deleting from the WOW folder since the reset doesn't work.
        Never mind. I posted too quickly, so I erased what I had first said.

        EDITED: Woops! I should have 're-read' your post before I posted! Sorry! You didn't actually say you were going to delete the WOW folder; you said "..... from the WOW folder...". My mistake, but I was worried for you.
        Last edited by kreelor; June 14, 2012, 05:43 AM. Reason: Woops! I should have 're-read' his post before I posted! Sorry!


          If the reset function of the guide options does not work just disable the guide from the addons page of the character seleciton screen, log in with a character, log out, enable the guide and log in.
          Some windows sizes and positions are not stored by addons but by WoW itself but loading WoW with the addon disabled resets it.

