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Clicking Noise

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    Clicking Noise

    No idea where this post had to go so posted here

    I've noticed during the Theramore event, during the cut scene specifically, theres a clicking noise that goes on and on until the cut scene is over.

    I've disabled all addons bar Zygor and its there, disabling all addons, its not. Enabling all addons bar Zygor, its not there.

    Whats the clicking noise and how can I stop it?

    If needed I can youtube it to show.

    We already have that on the bug list as you can hear it when you go into the Deeprun Tram. It just started with 5.0.4 and will most likely go away when we release the v4.0 guide viewer on the 24th.
    My Flight Path Follies guide

    A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

    I reject your reality and substitute my own.

    All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


      That is most likely the addon frantically trying to check which map is being viewed. A bug related to that was indeed fixed in 4.0.


        Ahh brilliant, thank you for the response

