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New issue while trying to update guide

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    New issue while trying to update guide

    So around 1:00 I tried to update the guide viewer only to get a connection error. I emailed all the fixes I tried before sending the email. I got one back saying that the server was in Maintance mode. Which is weird if something is supposed to go live by a certain time. So now its finally connected but when I tried to update I get this message instead now stating there is an error trying to update the guides. This is the issue:
    System.Net.WebException: Unable to connect to remote server. System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: A connection attempt failed.

    This is in the view screen under that info.

    2012-09-24 13:50:33.22 -04:00> --- Opened
    2012-09-24 13:50:33.22 -04:00> Started
    2012-09-24 13:50:33.23 -04:00> Read from registry: AddonsDir = C:\Users\Public\Games\World of Warcraft\Interface\Addons
    2012-09-24 13:50:33.23 -04:00> Read from registry: GamePath = C:\Users\Public\Games\World of Warcraft\Launcher.exe
    2012-09-24 13:50:33.23 -04:00> Read from registry: User = darktiggrain
    2012-09-24 13:50:33.23 -04:00> Read from registry: Pass = ***
    2012-09-24 13:50:33.23 -04:00> Read from registry: IconCreated = 1
    2012-09-24 13:50:33.23 -04:00> Read from registry: AutoMode = 0
    2012-09-24 13:50:33.23 -04:00> Determined WoW install dir: C:\Users\Public\Games\World of Warcraft
    2012-09-24 13:50:33.23 -04:00> Read from registry: AcceptedLicense = 1
    2012-09-24 13:50:33.25 -04:00> Updater MD5 = c825a852cbce5c3b217b2d5da22e0890
    2012-09-24 13:50:33.57 -04:00> Read from registry: AcceptedLicense = 1
    2012-09-24 13:50:33.80 -04:00> Checking installed version via C:\Users\Public\Games\World of Warcraft\Interface\Addons\ZygorGuidesViewer\Ver.lu a and ZygorGuidesViewer.toc .
    2012-09-24 13:50:33.80 -04:00> Read from registry: ProductString = zgv zg-lev-ac zg-lev-h zg-dai-a-t zg-dai-h-t zg-proa-a proa-a-mop zg-proa-h proa-h-mop zg-titr-a titr-a-mop zg-titr-h titr-h-mop zg-pets-a-t zg-pets-h-t zg-macr
    2012-09-24 13:50:33.80 -04:00> Version: 0 ()
    2012-09-24 13:50:33.92 -04:00> Logging in...
    2012-09-24 13:50:33.92 -04:00> Connecting to http://zygorguides.com/updater/packa...1.3.4625.29131
    2012-09-24 13:50:33.98 -04:00> Login status -> LOGGINGIN
    2012-09-24 13:50:33.98 -04:00> Displaying news, 196 chars
    2012-09-24 13:50:46.83 -04:00> Displaying news, 1449 chars
    2012-09-24 13:51:35.55 -04:00> Receiving response
    2012-09-24 13:51:35.55 -04:00> LOGIN> LOGIN OK
    2012-09-24 13:51:35.55 -04:00> LOGIN> USER YVONNE AMOH
    2012-09-24 13:51:35.55 -04:00> LOGIN> UPDATER_MD5 c825a852cbce5c3b217b2d5da22e0890
    2012-09-24 13:51:35.55 -04:00> LOGIN> VER 4.0.5044
    2012-09-24 13:51:35.55 -04:00> LOGIN> PRODUCT zgv Zygor Guides Viewer addon
    2012-09-24 13:51:35.55 -04:00> LOGIN> PRODUCT zg-lev-ac Leveling 1-85 - Alliance (Cataclysm)
    2012-09-24 13:51:35.55 -04:00> LOGIN> PRODUCT zg-lev-h Leveling 1-85 - Horde (Cataclysm)
    2012-09-24 13:51:35.55 -04:00> LOGIN> PRODUCT zg-dai-a-t Dailies and Events - Alliance (TRIAL)
    2012-09-24 13:51:35.55 -04:00> LOGIN> PRODUCT zg-dai-h-t Dailies and Events - Horde (TRIAL)
    2012-09-24 13:51:35.55 -04:00> LOGIN> PRODUCT zg-proa-a Professions and Achievements - Alliance
    2012-09-24 13:51:35.55 -04:00> LOGIN> PRODUCT proa-a-mop Professions and Achievements - Alliance (Mists)
    2012-09-24 13:51:35.55 -04:00> LOGIN> PRODUCT zg-proa-h Professions and Achievements - Horde
    2012-09-24 13:51:35.55 -04:00> LOGIN> PRODUCT proa-h-mop Professions and Achievements - Horde (Mists)
    2012-09-24 13:51:35.55 -04:00> LOGIN> PRODUCT zg-titr-a Titles and Reputations - Alliance
    2012-09-24 13:51:35.55 -04:00> LOGIN> PRODUCT titr-a-mop Titles and Reputations - Alliance (Mists)
    2012-09-24 13:51:35.55 -04:00> LOGIN> PRODUCT zg-titr-h Titles and Reputations - Horde
    2012-09-24 13:51:35.55 -04:00> LOGIN> PRODUCT titr-h-mop Titles and Reputations - Horde (Mists)
    2012-09-24 13:51:35.55 -04:00> LOGIN> PRODUCT zg-pets-a-t Pets and Mounts - Alliance (TRIAL)
    2012-09-24 13:51:35.55 -04:00> LOGIN> PRODUCT zg-pets-h-t Pets and Mounts - Horde (TRIAL)
    2012-09-24 13:51:35.55 -04:00> LOGIN> PRODUCT zg-macr Macros Guide
    2012-09-24 13:51:35.55 -04:00> LOGIN> PRODUCTDIR ZygorGuidesViewer
    2012-09-24 13:51:35.55 -04:00> LOGIN> PRODUCTDIR ZygorTalentAdvisor
    2012-09-24 13:51:35.55 -04:00> LOGIN> GRAPHICSPACK http://zygorguides.com/updater/graphics_pack.zip
    2012-09-24 13:51:35.55 -04:00> LOGIN> CHG:
    2012-09-24 13:51:35.55 -04:00> LOGIN>
    2012-09-24 13:51:35.55 -04:00> LOGIN> :CHG
    2012-09-24 13:51:35.55 -04:00> LOGIN> END
    2012-09-24 13:51:35.55 -04:00> Login complete
    2012-09-24 13:51:35.57 -04:00> Login status -> USER
    2012-09-24 13:51:45.80 -04:00> Checking for WoW running... negative
    2012-09-24 13:51:45.84 -04:00> Started Guides update thread
    2012-09-24 13:51:45.84 -04:00> Creating temporary file for Guides
    2012-09-24 13:51:45.85 -04:00> Temporary file is: C:\Users\Yvonne\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp4390.tmp
    2012-09-24 13:51:45.85 -04:00> Preparing file list...
    2012-09-24 13:51:45.85 -04:00> Listed 0 files
    2012-09-24 13:51:45.85 -04:00> Calculating MD5 hashes...
    2012-09-24 13:51:45.85 -04:00> Calculation complete
    2012-09-24 13:51:45.85 -04:00> Connecting to http://zygorguides.com/updater/packager.php
    2012-09-24 13:51:45.85 -04:00> Update status -> DOWNLOADING
    2012-09-24 13:51:45.93 -04:00> POSTing user=darktiggrain&pass=*****&do=comp&uv=1.3.4625.2 9131
    2012-09-24 13:52:27.97 -04:00> Error during updating guides: System.Net.WebException: Unable to connect to the remote server ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond
    at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.DoConnect(EndPoint endPointSnapshot, SocketAddress socketAddress)
    at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.InternalConnect(EndPoint remoteEP)
    at System.Net.ServicePoint.ConnectSocketInternal(Bool ean connectFailure, Socket s4, Socket s6, Socket& socket, IPAddress& address, ConnectSocketState state, IAsyncResult asyncResult, Int32 timeout, Exception& exception)
    --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
    at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream(Transpo rtContext& context)
    at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream()
    at ZygorUpdaterCS.Form1.UpdateWork_Download(Stream tempstream, String& filelist)
    at ZygorUpdaterCS.Form1.UpdateWork()
    2012-09-24 13:52:27.98 -04:00> --- Closed

    Hoping this is a maintance issue.
