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Occasional error

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    Occasional error

    So, I'm getting an occasional error when I enter combat that repeats with each action. If this has already been reported, my apologies for the search fail.

    54x [ADDON_ACTION_BLOCKED] AddOn "ZygorGuidesViewer" tried to call the protected function "ZygorGuidesViewerFrame:SetHeight()".
    !BugGrabber-r188\BugGrabber.lua:587: in function <!BugGrabber\BugGrabber.lua:587>
    <in C code>
    ZygorGuidesViewer\ZygorGuidesViewer-4.0.lua:2604: in function "?"
    ZygorGuidesViewer\ZygorGuidesViewer-4.0.lua:2187: in function "UpdateFrame"
    ZygorGuidesViewer\ZygorGuidesViewer-4.0.lua:1004: in function <ZygorGuidesViewer\ZygorGuidesViewer.lua:886>
    (tail call): ?
    <in C code>
    <string>:"safecall Dispatcher[2]":9: in function <string>:"safecall Dispatcher[2]":5
    (tail call): ?
    Ace3-Release-r1061\AceTimer-3.0\AceTimer-3.0-6.lua:164: in function <Ace3\AceTimer-3.0\AceTimer-3.0.lua:138>

    I just realized I probably posted this in the incorrect sub-forum. If a moderator could move it, that'd be great.


      That is either an addon conflict or a corrupted file.

      Let's test for addon conflict first. Please disable all other addons and then run around killing stuff for a while to see if the error returns with only the guide viewer active.
      My Flight Path Follies guide

      A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

      I reject your reality and substitute my own.

      All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


        Will do. I'm also having an unrelated problem. I choose to manually set options when running the installer and don't check the box to suggest upgrades. When the installation walkthrough is finished, the first thing that happens is it wants to swap out gear. Am I misinterpreting something or this a bug?


          It's the auto-equip feature that thinks the gear in your bags is better than what you have on. This is something being worked on because it sometimes suggests some really odd things. You can turn this off in the Extra features section of the guide options.
          My Flight Path Follies guide

          A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

          I reject your reality and substitute my own.

          All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.

