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    This happened twice. Once during a battleground and once during an addon test run fighting against mobs 82 levels lower than me. Both times, ZG was closed.

    Date: 2013-08-29 23:56:50
    ID: 2
    Error occured in: AddOn: ZygorGuidesViewer
    Count: 4
    Message: Note: AddOn ZygorGuidesViewer attempted to call a protected function (CompactRaidFrame1:Show()) during combat lockdown.
       [C]: Show()
       ..\FrameXML\CompactUnitFrame.lua:282: CompactUnitFrame_UpdateVisible()
       ..\FrameXML\CompactUnitFrame.lua:240: CompactUnitFrame_UpdateAll()
      Swatter, v5.17.5413 (NeedyNoddy)
      WowheadLooter, v50011
      AckisRecipeList, v2.5.1
      ACP, v3.4.3 
      AdvancedTradeSkillWindow, v
      AnyMeter, v3.1.0.40200
      AucAdvanced, v5.17.5413 (NeedyNoddy)
      AucFilterBasic, v5.17.5413 (NeedyNoddy)
      AucFilterOutlier, v5.17.5413.5347(5.17/embedded)
      AucMatchUndercut, v5.17.5413.5364(5.17/embedded)
      AucStatHistogram, v5.17.5413 (NeedyNoddy)
      AucStatiLevel, v5.17.5413 (NeedyNoddy)
      AucStatPurchased, v5.17.5413 (NeedyNoddy)
      AucStatSales, v5.17.5413.5376(5.17/embedded)
      AucStatSimple, v5.17.5413 (NeedyNoddy)
      AucStatStdDev, v5.17.5413 (NeedyNoddy)
      AucStatWOWEcon, v5.17.5413.5323(5.17/embedded)
      AucUtilAHWindowControl, v5.17.5413.5347(5.17/embedded)
      AucUtilAppraiser, v5.17.5413.5393(5.17/embedded)
      AucUtilAskPrice, v5.17.5413.5347(5.17/embedded)
      AucUtilAutoMagic, v5.17.5413.5392(5.17/embedded)
      AucUtilCompactUI, v5.17.5413.5400(5.17/embedded)
      AucUtilEasyBuyout, v5.17.5413.5347(5.17/embedded)
      AucUtilFixAH, v5.17.5413 (NeedyNoddy)
      AucUtilItemSuggest, v5.17.5413.5365(5.17/embedded)
      AucUtilPriceLevel, v5.17.5413.5365(5.17/embedded)
      AucUtilScanButton, v5.17.5413.5403(5.17/embedded)
      AucUtilScanFinish, v5.17.5413.5347(5.17/embedded)
      AucUtilScanProgress, v5.17.5413.4979(5.17/embedded)
      AucUtilScanStart, v5.17.5413.5347(5.17/embedded)
      AucUtilSearchUI, v5.17.5413.5373(5.17/embedded)
      AucUtilSimpleAuction, v5.17.5413.5388(5.17/embedded)
      AucUtilVendMarkup, v5.17.5413.4828(5.17/embedded)
      AutoBar, vv5.2.0.0
      Babylonian, v5.1.DEV.332(/embedded)
      BeanCounter, v5.17.5413 (NeedyNoddy)
      BetterInbox, v
      ChatHider, v1.0.4
      Configator, v5.1.DEV.344(/embedded)
      DebugLib, v5.1.DEV.337(/embedded)
      Enchantrix, v5.17.5413 (NeedyNoddy)
      EnchantrixBarker, v5.17.5413 (NeedyNoddy)
      GatherMate2, v1.26
      HealBot, v5.3.0.9
      HealBotTips, v5.3.0.8
      Informant, v5.17.5413 (NeedyNoddy)
      LFGStatusIcon, v5.3.001
      LibExtraTip, v5.12.DEV.350(/embedded)
      LootMagic, v4.10.13.10
      MonkeyBuddy, v
      MonkeyLibrary, v
      MonkeyQuest, v
      MonkeyQuestLog, v
      nUI, v5.07.32 (Lite)
      nUIConfigGUI, v40300.1
      nUIInfoPanelDualStats, v5.07.19
      nUIInfoPanelHealBot, v4.1.0.0
      nUIInfoPanelProfessions, v008
      nUIStone, v5.07.19
      OmniCC, v5.3.1
      Outfitter, v5.9.1
      PetBattleTeams, v3.2.5
      RandomCompanion, v3.1.3
      Recount, v
      Redeemer, vv1.0.3
      Routes, vv1.4.2
      SexyMap, v2.4.8
      Stubby, v5.17.5413 (NeedyNoddy)
      TipHelper, v5.12.DEV.351(/embedded)
      Titan, v5.1.23.50300
      TitanBag, v5.1.23.50300
      TitanClock, v5.1.23.50300
      TitanGold, v5.1.23.50300
      TitanHealBot, v5.3.0.8
      TitanLocation, v5.1.23.50300
      TitanLootType, v5.1.23.50300
      TitanPerformance, v5.1.23.50300
      TitanRepair, v5.1.23.50300
      TitanVolume, v5.1.23.50300
      TitanXP, v5.1.23.50300
      WIM, v3.6.9
      WoWDBProfiler, v
      XS, v1.0.0.40100
      ZygorGuidesViewer, v4.0
      BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v5.3.0.50300 <us>

    The Compact Raid Frame is what causes all of the taint errors in WoW. There really isn't too much anyone can do about it with the addon code. Only way to get rid of the errors generated by the compact raid frame is to disable it completely and replace it with something else.

    My personal choice for solution to this issue is I use the rRaidManager addon available on the WoWInterface website. You'd be surprised at how many random LUA errors this will fix by just simply using this one addon to replace the compact raid frame.
    My Flight Path Follies guide

    A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

    I reject your reality and substitute my own.

    All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.

