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[RESOLVED] Garrison Mining Nodes not showing

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    [RESOLVED] Garrison Mining Nodes not showing


    I can confirm this happens to me as well. If Zygor is enabled, the points on the mini-map that show you the location of your mining nodes in your garrison mine do not appear. Disable and reload then they appear.

    Do you have the most current guide version installed (check the version number ingame in the guide selection window too, current version is 5.0.10995)?
    Did you try disabling the option to flash minimap nodes in the extra features of the guide? There was an issue with rare mob skull icons not being shown on the minimap when flashing nodes was turned on (but it should be fixed now). Maybe the fix for that interferes with something else. Does the character have mining skill and is ore tracking active in the minimap options?
    Sadly I have no mining nodes left in all my garrison mines until tomorrow so I can't test it right now


      I will test this in just a couple minutes with my miner.
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        Ok, I'm sitting in game now with the flash minimap resource nodes option enabled and I see flashing nodes on the minimap for both herbalism and mining in my garrison. This would appear to be a case of either an addon conflict or an old guide version.
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          I can't confirm what version I was running as I updated my guide prior to posting this reply, but the nodes are showing again. Tried checking for issues with other addons, but no conflicts were apparent. I toggled flashing on and off and nodes show either way. My guess is maybe an out of date guide. All good now. Thanks for checking.


            Good to see it's working now.

