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Is there any way to uninstall trial guides?

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    Is there any way to uninstall trial guides?

    So after searching through the forums I found that apparently 150-200 MB memory usage is normal. Though when I log in it slows my system to a crawl as the guides are loaded. The pics below are when from after I have logged in and my frame rate returns to normal.
    I noticed it says in the chat window "Zygor Guides Viewer: 612 guides are loaded."
    Whatever that means. The high number just seems weird..
    So basically my question is, is there a way for me OR on your guys end to take all the trial guides off my account so I just have the ones I've purchased (Dungeon and Gear, Gold and Auction)?
    I don't know it just seems like I have a whole lot of guides I am not going to use.
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    Last edited by tenelli; October 16, 2015, 10:46 PM.

    The trial guides for guides you don't own is an automatic thing and not something we can take off. All of the lag you see when you first log in is actually the travel system initializing and that should go away after a few seconds and you shouldn't see any other lag issues. Do you experience lag after those first few seconds?
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      Nope. All is good after that. Frame rate returns to normal.


        Ok, then the lag you experience is a normal thing with the travel system. Adding or removing guides would not affect that lag.
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          Alright. Thanks for the help!


            Originally posted by tenelli View Post
            Alright. Thanks for the help!
            As Support mentioned, the little big of lag when first logging in is normal when using the Travel System, which is basically like a GPS for World of Warcraft that will give you turn by turn directions to all the locations in the guide. You do have the option to disable this feature from in the options under Travel System. The waypoint arrow will then no longer provide these directions, but it will still point you where you need to go within the zone.
            Zygor Guides Creative Director

