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Random FPS drops

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    Random FPS drops

    So I just purchased the Elite version of the guides, an am super excited to use them! That being said... I have an issue, and I've narrowed it down to the guide. While playing, I will hover around 90-98 FPS. Randomly, it will drop down to 20-30 for about 3 seconds, and then go right back up to where it normally is. I have turned off all other addons except for this one, and it continues to do it, but runs fine when others are running and the guide is turned off.

    I attempted one of the fixes proposed in another thread with a similar problem, which was to go in and delete the folder out of the Addons folder as well as the related files in the WTF folder, and then reinstall it with the client and that didn't seem to work.

    Has anyone else had problems with this? It isn't game crippling as it doesn't completely freeze, but it is annoying to have a very smooth game and then every minute or so have it drop down to super-chop levels for a couple seconds.

    You may want to look at this thread as it seems to be a problem for some people and not others that we are actively trying to get fixed. http://www.zygorguides.com/forum/sho...9-then-back-up
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      Awesome, thank you for the response!

