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How many levels ahead?

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    How many levels ahead?

    Hey folks. First of all, I want to say I am loving the new in game mod; it makes leveling a breeze. I started with an paladin already leveled to around 35, 10 days ago and he is level 56 now.

    I have the shoulder and the chest BOA gear so I level faster than normal. Right now, I have the "Allow Levels Ahead" slider set at Zero and I am finding that every time I level, the guide likes to skip quite a few steps ahead to catch me up to where it thinks I should be. The issue with this, is it makes for some jerky leveling. Quite often, right after I have leveled, it asks me to fly somewhere to hand in a 800 xp quest, then skips a bunch of quests and has me fly back to where I was in the first place. It always seems that I am doing some hectic running around after I level in order for the guide to catch me up to where it thinks I should be. I am fine doing quests that are a level or two below me.

    Just wondering what other people are setting the slider to in order to do some normal leveling if they have lots of rested xp or bonus xp because of the BOA gear?


    If "jumping around" bothers you, which indeed it may at some points (though there's hardly helping it), you could set the slider to as much as 3 or even 5 levels' tolerance for a while, complete some quests that would be getting lower and lower level for you but would be close one to another, and eventually set the slider to 0 to take several large leaps back to your "proper" levels. Once there - lather, rinse, repeat.


      I see what you are saying; I never really thought about it that way. I have to decide if I want to do a little bit of skipping every level, or a lot of skipping every 5 levels or so. I guess that's the point of the BOA gear in the first place, huh? You don't have to do as many quests :-)

      Thanks for the reply, Zgdev



        I think what zgdev was trying to say was say you just dinged 50 but the guide still thinks your 49. Set the slider to say maybe 3 and then after you're about 25-50% thru the level set it back to 0.

        I know some running around might seem to be a pain, but all the guide is doing is trying to complete a quest quickly to get it out of your log so that it can skip to quests more in tune with your level.
        My Flight Path Follies guide

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