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Not sure I got this working right...

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    Not sure I got this working right...

    First off, great guide! Really enjoying it, makes life for non-hardcore players who want to keep up a lot easier.

    I just feel like I might not be getting the most out of the guide, and here's why:

    I'm a 22 Human Priest at the moment. I have the "allow levels ahead" set to 1. Yet for some reason, I'm getting directed to a lot of quests that are like 16, 17, 18, etc. The current objective is to kill Crawlers at Darkshore for Fine Crab Meat, but those are grey to me. However, at the same time, the step before this was to kill a boss Murloc called Murkdeep, which was simply NOT possible solo, I had to get a group. The difficulty seems kind of all over the map, and I'm wondering if there is a setting to fix this. I was under the impression that by choosing "allow levels ahead" to 1, I would be doing quests that are ONLY 21-22.

    Yet with this setting, I was just directed to pick up "Beached Sea Creature (16)", "Fruit of the Sea (17)", "WANTED: Murkdeep (18)", and so on. Murkdeep is an 18 quest but I'll be damned if a 22 untwinked Priest is going to solo that.


    EDIT: Just found some Crawlers that are green, so they're not all grey, I am getting SOME xp. But still...

    The reason is probably that those quests are part of quest chains, even if they are hidden quest chains, so you would need to complete those lower level quests first in order to be able to get the later quests, which will be more suitable for your level.

    If it's skipping steps here and there, it is doing its job correctly. Eventually, you will not have to do those lower level quests anymore, and will be caught up to the correct spot you should be - but it just takes a little bit of time to get yourself in sync.

    Give it a little more time, you'll see what I mean. :-)

    P.S. - Do you have a wand on your Priest? If not, buy a Greater Magic Wand and use that to attack with, it makes a huge difference. There are usually a lot of them available on the Auction House for reasonable prices.
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      Awesome quick reply. So glad I got this guide. Thanks, man.


        Also keep in mind that leveling a priest can sometimes be rough. You need to rely on your power word: shield, regen, and spells/wand to kill stuff. This will mean that you'll be more dependent on your mana pool size for how much you can deal with at once.
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