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Human Paladin Level 62

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    Human Paladin Level 62

    I've only just started using the guide (approx. 2 weeks). During that time, my level had slowly crept up to the point where the guide was taking me through level 50 quests while I was level 53+.

    Needless to say, this was not ideal. I've just loaded the new version today, and noticed the guide was skipping some steps. At first I thought it was a bug, but I now know that this is another aspect of the SIS. The guide was actually adapting to my real level, rather than just spitting out the steps by rote.

    This is a vast improvement as the guide can now keep up with me, rather than slowly falling behind. The result is that leveling is now faster, and I don't miss any lower level quests that start a chain.

    Well done.

    Awesome man, glad to here that! Thanks for your testimonial.
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      Oh yea, the new system is fun. Ive had the guide since back in the pdf days. So much better as each update comes along. I use to have to reinstall the addons due to pc errors and had to write down what steps and level im at. I just check out the new system and tried it out on a few other alts I have and no more writing for me. minus a few clicks here and there i was right back on task. I just have one question. every time i reload my ui or log into the game my guide is out of place even after I lock the window. Thats not a real big deal its easy to move around, but sometimes when I move the window it attaches itself to the pointer and I have to /reload to make it stop. rarely Ill have to do it 2 or 3 times. Is this something that is common or is it just me?


        Hmm, we've never seen those bugs before. Try turning off your other addons and see if the problem persists. If not, try to pinpoint which addon is causing the problem.
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          I have tried to turn those other adds off. but the issue still happens. The one addon that i know for a fact messes with the guide is routes. Not a real issue with that add, just though it was cool to have.


            Yeah, the guide moving itself on log out or reload has been persistent. I think people stopped talking about it hoping that it would be fixed in the new version.
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