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How to Macro your Guides

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    How to Macro your Guides

    I have no idea if someone posted this before but:

    Type: /zygor guide

    And it will list all the guides (with their respective guide number) available (you'd have to scroll up)

    Once you have the numbers, you can the go ahead and macro the following:

    /zygor guide #

    For example, to load the fishing daily guide, I setup an icon/macro to:

    /zygor guide 32

    By doing this it allows you to quickly switch between the guides you're busy with and allows you to chain some quests together, for example:

    If the fishing guides take me near Scholazar Basin I usually stop by The oracles to do their dailies before I leave again back to Dalaran. This saves me a trip back there when finished with the guide, and with the dynamic step system, the guide picks up where you left off (most of the time, unless it gets stuck for some reason, FYI, I hate the "introductory step" that I have to click past each time, they could perhaps make a tooltip that displays extra "help" if needed like ingame)


    So yea, Macro these and switch to your hearts content

    Good thinking there! However, this always loads the first step of the chosen guide. If you're constantly switching between the same guides, you might want to just use the "history" in the guide selection dropdown (and set it to some value larger than the default 5, if need be).


      Yea, I was originally hoping that loading the guide through the macro would automatically trigger the last step you were on like the history bar does, but alas, I had to settle with this.

      The problem is, or probably not really a problem, but still... is that I have to hover over the bar for a bit (sometimes it disappears because I had borders and have to do it again) to be able to click on it and load from history, and sometimes I load guides to check specific things (or I load the wrong guides) so the history gets all messed up.

      The reputation "tree" is entirely useless to me at the moment, one suggestion would be to just have the guide "duplicate" in both the (as an example) Scholazar Basin tree AND the reputation tree so that you don't load a "guide" thinking it's the guide and then have to read "oh, i actually have to load something else now"

      I'll have a look through the code, maybe I can figure out how the history bit works and can macro that

