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Jewelcrafting Dailies?

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    Jewelcrafting Dailies?

    Anyone tried them? I am leveling Jewelcrafting now on my warrior almost maxed just wondering if they work well like everything else lol
    80 Gnome Warrior*
    80 Night elf Druid*
    80 Gnome Warlock*
    80 Gnome Mage*
    Maelstrom Alliance US
    * = Leveled with Zygors guide

    Raising Rep and money income with the dailies guides on my main.

    I've got a JC. He's only level 70 so I can't use the JC daily guide. No way is my level 70 DK going to take on a level 80 icecrown mob and hope to survive the encounter. I understand the JC guide is using the closest mobs to complete the quest with but that doesn't help much for the lower level jewelcrafters. I think I was maybe 68 when I got my first JC daily.

    These are what I use for my JC daily. At 80, I don't think you'd have a problem following the guide though.
    Vyrkul Amulet -- kill the vikings at Kaskala in Borean Tundra
    Elemental Armor Scrap -- kill the steam ragers at the Geyser Fields in Borean Tundra (just north of Unu'Pe)
    Northern Ivory -- kill mammoths in Borean Tundra or Shoveltusks in Howling Fjord
    Proto Dragon Bone -- kill proto drakes at Ember Clutch in Howling Fjord
    Scourge Curio -- kill the bugs outside Valiance Keep in Borean Tundra
    Dark Iron Brooch -- kill dark iron dwarves near Explorer's Outpost in Howling Fjord


      Nevermind lol didnt realize there was only one quest a day : (
      80 Gnome Warrior*
      80 Night elf Druid*
      80 Gnome Warlock*
      80 Gnome Mage*
      Maelstrom Alliance US
      * = Leveled with Zygors guide

      Raising Rep and money income with the dailies guides on my main.

