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Wrathion Quest

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    Wrathion Quest

    Hi -

    When I was leveling my main - I remembered to turn off autoquesting features when I completed the Wrathion quest for the leveling gem (after getting the agility weapon from the new Ring of Blood scenario instead of the healer one). However, I forgot to do the same when I reached that point on my Ele/Resto shammy last. Soon I had a lovely 500 agi gem in my bags. I'm not sure why it would have selected an agi gem - It has always autoselected caster gear for my shammy in the past. Not sure why it picked the agi gem off this one. Long story short - GM's say they can't/won't help. So hopefully it can maybe be fixed for someone else. Thanks!

    We are constantly working on the gear suggestions to help remove these kinds of oddball suggestions. I'm sorry to hear this happened.
    My Flight Path Follies guide

    A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

    I reject your reality and substitute my own.

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