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Additional info would be nice!

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    Additional info would be nice!

    I love the guides, just got them today...but...more instruction would be nice.

    I figured out what I was doing wrong, but it would be nice that in the beginning of the gold run guides, that the guide would warn non-wow-savvy players to be sure that the zone pre-quests are done before attempting the gold run guides. This would save a lot of frustration in new and non-hardcore players.

    Did you see the tooltip that displays when hovering over a guide section in the Dailies and Events Guides?

    For the Speed Gold Run Without ATG (Argent Tournament Grounds) Dailies, this tooltip displays in your tooltip box:

    "This guide section will walk you through a 25 daily quest speed gold run at level 80, without including any Argent Tournament Grounds dailies. To be able to complete all the quests in this guide section, you must have completed the The Storm Peaks Full Zone Guide (Includes Pre-Quests), The Sons of Hodir Reputation (Honored), and Icecrown Full Zone Quest Path (Includes Regular Dailies Pre-Quests) guide sections."

    For the Speed Gold Run With ATG (Argent Tournament Grounds) Dailies, this tooltip displays in your tooltip box:

    "This guide section will walk you through a 25 daily quest speed gold run at level 80. To be able to complete all the quests in this guide section, you must have completed the The Storm Peaks Full Zone Guide (Includes Pre-Quests), The Sons of Hodir Reputation (Honored), and Icecrown Full Zone Quest Path (Includes Regular Dailies Pre-Quests) guide sections."
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      Originally posted by Zygor View Post
      "This guide section will walk you through a 25 daily quest speed gold run at level 80. To be able to complete all the quests in this guide section, you must have completed the The Storm Peaks Full Zone Guide (Includes Pre-Quests), The Sons of Hodir Reputation (Honored), and Icecrown Full Zone Quest Path (Includes Regular Dailies Pre-Quests) guide sections."
      So, if I was to skip ONE quest of the 25 what would be a good one to skip in this series? I ask because I am still doing JC dailies to buy recipes and have a long way to go
      Cairne Realm
      Main: 100 Human Prot Pally
      Alt#1: 100 Tauren Resto Druid
      Alt#2: 60 Dwarf Beast Hunter


        Originally posted by antacus View Post
        So, if I was to skip ONE quest of the 25 what would be a good one to skip in this series? I ask because I am still doing JC dailies to buy recipes and have a long way to go
        Assault by Air. :-)
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          That is one quest I would be happy to skip. I only asked because I am still working the pre-quests, now doing egg hunting, so not tried the gold run yet.
          Cairne Realm
          Main: 100 Human Prot Pally
          Alt#1: 100 Tauren Resto Druid
          Alt#2: 60 Dwarf Beast Hunter


            That one where you spear a Wyrm and then have to grip/stab it until you end up in its mouth is a PAIN. I've only managed it once
            Proud noob, opinionated nerd, and asker of obvious questions.

            Main: Reliq (DK - 85).
            Alts: Baym (Paladin - 85), Aotearoa (Priest - 85), Selleck (Hunter), Reliqa (Warrior)


              I have tried that one several times and finally figured out how to get past the grip portion pretty easy. The mouth bite part ... that one is hard and I have yet to finish that. I have been skipping that one for my SoH rep for a while now since I guess it is more for people waring armor heavier then cloth
              Cairne Realm
              Main: 100 Human Prot Pally
              Alt#1: 100 Tauren Resto Druid
              Alt#2: 60 Dwarf Beast Hunter


                That one took quite a few consecutive deaths to figure out back when i first ran through Hodir.

                Here is how it works:

                When you first spear the proto-drake down to you, spam #1 (grab on ability). This will put a buff on you that stacks to 99. You want to keep this number pretty high so you don't fall. When the buff reaches 0 stacks, you fall.

                The idea of this phase is to get the drake down on health as much as possible and dodge his swipes at you. This is where you hit #2 key. This makes you dodge his swipe. This ability also takes some of your buff's stacks.

                The #3 key makes you attack the drake with regular small attacks. This is spammed throughout the fight and each attack will consume some of your buff's stacks

                The #4 key is your big attack and takes quite a few of your buff stacks.

                Phase 2 is just you spamming #1 until you get 10 to 20 stacks on him and then pressing #3. He will die and your quest is complete. It's really easy after you figure it out. LOL I died a crap ton of times trying to figure this stupid quest out. Quite a few of the deaths happened before i noticed the buff. /blush

                Here is the rotation that i used to get through it.
                Phase 1:
                Spam #1 until you reach 99 stacks
                Press 3 until he swipes
                Press 2 to dodge the swipe
                Press 4 immediately after to get in your big hit (which has a longer CD)

                Rinse and repeat until you get to phase 2

                Phase 2:
                Spam 1 until he gets 10 - 20 stacks
                Press 3


                The reason i say 10 - 20 stacks, is because there are times when i have been able to kill him with 10 stacks, and others where it took a lot more. He will always die at 20 stacks though.

                PS: Antacus, the dmg he does in Phase 2 is % based, so the dmg he does to you will vary depending on your total HP.
                I am CDO. This is a lot like OCD, except the letters are in alphabetical order... as they should be.


                  Here, after digging around a bit... they seem to have videos walking you through this now.

                  Here is a good one i just found.
                  I am CDO. This is a lot like OCD, except the letters are in alphabetical order... as they should be.


                    Nice, thanks!
                    Proud noob, opinionated nerd, and asker of obvious questions.

                    Main: Reliq (DK - 85).
                    Alts: Baym (Paladin - 85), Aotearoa (Priest - 85), Selleck (Hunter), Reliqa (Warrior)


                      Ty for your answers. To answer your question, no, I did not see any tooltip for either with ATG or without ATG gold speed run guide. I was looking for something that was within the guide itself. Maybe I didnt over over it long enough to see the tooltip. I am currently running ALOT of addons (average about 101mb memory) and that can slow down the UI.

                      I will check it out to see if I can see a tooltip pop-up when hovering over the guide sellection.

                      Thank you very much for the help and the great guides!


                      I just checked and no, there was no tool-tip in either horde gold leveling guides. Not when I hovered over them nor at the begining of the guide.


                        This was my favorite daily when I was repping for SoH. It was a pain until I figured it out. The phase 2 fatal strike when you are inside of the dragons mouth is totally random so don't stack to high as you will die. I found it best to do multiple small attacks rather than a few attacks that were stacked high.


                          Originally posted by Werderx View Post
                          The reason i say 10 - 20 stacks, is because there are times when i have been able to kill him with 10 stacks, and others where it took a lot more. He will always die at 20 stacks though.
                          Each stack gives you an additional 5% chance to kill him. Therefore with 20 stacks it's an automatic success.

                          The point is to stack as much as possible before you're gonna die.

                          And yes it is annoying to fail when you stacked 19 times but it happens

                          But when you're used to it, the first phase can be done without being hit once so I'm usually able to stack 20 times.

                          I highly recommend to skip it however if you have too much lag as you'll die in no time.

