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world event's

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    world event's

    on the daily and events guide, i've only got 3 world event guides, will i be able to get more?

    Zygor will add guides as they come.


      Yes, as the new world events come along they will be added into the Dailies & Events guide. They weren't included initially since Blizzard often makes changes to the events and the Zygor team wants to test them out when the events go live to make sure they're supplying us with an accurate guide for the event. The team strives to get the events updates done on the first day of the event, so check for updates often with the client on that first day.
      My Flight Path Follies guide

      A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

      I reject your reality and substitute my own.

      All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.

