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Problems with Quest

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    Problems with Quest

    I am doing a quest for Icecrown and I am having problems. The quest is under Zygor's Horde Dailies Guides/Icecrown/Icecrown Full Zone Quest Path (Includes Regular Dailies Pre-Quests). i am at step 304 and it says to pick up a Bloodstained Stone, and then it says to Fight Illidan useing your Arthas abilities. My problem is i can't find the Bloodstained Stone, i been all over the area it says, but i can't find any stone/rock or anything that i can click. i have abandoned it and clicked on it again but still no stone. i been at this for several hours now and i am starting to get upset cause it is holding up my questing runs. Any Help would be gratefull. Thanks.

    This from wowhead:
    the stone is near to the ghost, around coordinates (48.3, 72.8) Just note that it doesn't glow.It's actually extremely small (twice the height of a gnome); i thought it would be the size of a summoning stone or something.The stone actually moves if you happen to fail the quest the first time, but the shape of the rock is the same.If you die, the for me the stone moved south, just across the road.
    Small Rectangle stone, barely see sparkles coming from it. Just hover over small stones until your cursor turns into a gear on hover.Easy way to beat this fight:
    Parry (1) until your mana is about 75%+ full. Then Stomp (3) and Annihilate (4), and spam Deathstrike (2) until he's back up.
    Repeat until dead.
    Enjoy the epic questline.Also, as others said, if you failed once, you can just 'use' the rock again. It doesn't always spawn in the same place.You can only use the Bloodstained Stones while Matthias is there.Yeah, I'm having the same thing. The stone just flat out isn't there.
    EDIT: Nvm, it's a tad north of the NPC now, instead of directly south of him like it used to be. It's off the "path".

    If nothing above works then this is the problem:
    This quest seems to either bugged by the phasing or something else. The Bloodstained stone is not present on any of the phases, hence a total stop of progressing through the quest line and to get the achievement (Icecrown 140 quest achievement). I've noticed this problem since patch 4.0.1 on Live.
    I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
    Twitter @Chaos5061.
    Translations are done with Google Translate.


      i seen the same thing, as well as a few posts that state that the quest is bugged, will wait a bit or get a hold of a GM to help out or if they can fix the problem.


        I ran into the same problem. I think this happens if someone fails with the quest or runs away from the fight. The same thing can happen with other quests as well (Last Rites in Borean Tundra).
        After the weekly server restart I was able to do the quest. My ticket was open for 3 days so this will probably not help.
        You can continue with the guide and skip the quest related to the chain and come back later.

