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attempt to perform arithmetic on global 'count' (a nil value)

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    attempt to perform arithmetic on global 'count' (a nil value)

    I get this error, when i open the AutionHouse

    5x ...uidesViewer/Code-Retail/GoldUI/Auctiontools-Core.lua:804: attempt to perform arithmetic on global 'count' (a nil value)
    [string "@Interface/AddOns/ZygorGuidesViewer/Code-Retail/GoldUI/Auctiontools-Core.lua"]:804: in function `GetTrueItemCount'
    [string "@Interface/AddOns/ZygorGuidesViewer/Code-Retail/GoldUI/Auctiontools-Sell.lua"]:221: in function `UpdateItemInInventory'
    [string "@Interface/AddOns/ZygorGuidesViewer/Code-Retail/GoldUI/Auctiontools-Core.lua"]:59: in function `Update'
    [string "@Interface/AddOns/ZygorGuidesViewer/Code-Retail/GoldUI/Auctiontools-View.lua"]:443: in function `SetCurrentTab'
    [string "@Interface/AddOns/ZygorGuidesViewer/Code-Retail/GoldUI/Auctiontools-View.lua"]:251: in function <...uidesViewer/Code-Retail/GoldUI/Auctiontools-View.lua:251>
    [string "=[C]"]: ?
    item = <table> {
    bag = 0
    single_locked = true
    active = false
    price = 0
    statusId = 100
    statusText = "No trend data for item
    icon = 2027964
    statusIcon = <table> {
    link = "|cff0070dd|Hbattlepet:2525:1:3:149:11:13:00000000 00000000:89609|h[Rotkammtarantel]|h|r"
    slot = 9
    displayName = "Rotkammtarantel (lvl 1 UNKNOWN)"
    battlepetid = 2525
    isStagnant = false
    name = "Rotkammtarantel"
    statusColor = <table> {
    maxStack = 1
    itemid = 1252500000
    count = 1
    truecount = 0
    (for index) = 0
    (for limit) = 4
    (for step) = 1
    bag = 0
    (for index) = 9
    (for limit) = 20
    (for step) = 1
    slot = 9
    itemInfo = <table> {
    hasLoot = false
    isReadable = false
    iconFileID = 2027964
    hasNoValue = true
    isLocked = false
    itemID = 82800
    isBound = false
    stackCount = 1
    isFiltered = false
    itemLink = "|cff0070dd|Hbattlepet:2525:1:3:149:11:13:00000000 00000000:89609|h[Rotkammtarantel]|h|r"
    quality = 3
    (*temporary) = nil
    (*temporary) = "|cff0070dd|Hbattlepet:2525:1:3:149:11:13:00000000 00000000:89609|h[Rotkammtarantel]|h|r"
    (*temporary) = "attempt to perform arithmetic on global 'count' (a nil value)"
    bag_slot_ids = <table> {
    1 = 31
    2 = 32
    3 = 33
    4 = 34
    C_Container = <table> {
    PickupContainerItem = <function> defined =[C]:-1
    UseContainerItem = <function> defined =[C]:-1
    GetContainerNumSlots = <function> defined =[C]:-1
    GetContainerItemInfo = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/ZygorGuidesViewer/Retrofit.lua:14
    GetContainerNumFreeSlots = <function> defined =[C]:-1
    GetContainerItemID = <function> defined =[C]:-1
    ContainerIDToInventoryID = <function> defined =[C]:-1
    GetContainerItemLink = <function> defined =[C]:-1

    Try doing a guide reinstall.

    1. exit WoW
    2. go to the WoW/_retail_/Interface/Addons folder and delete any Zygor folders
    3. run the desktop client and install a fresh copy of the guides
    4. go back in game to test and see if that fixed it
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      No need to reinstall; thats a Bug in Zygor

