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Val'sharah Step 17 error

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    Val'sharah Step 17 error

    Step 17 has you go talk to Rylissa Bearsong at Val'sharah 52.94,84.21. She is not there. She is where I am now - Val'sharah 49.10,82.32

    Zygor Guides Viewer v6.0.14435
    Guide: LEVELING\Legion (100-110)\Val'sharah
    Step: 17
    --- Player information ---
    Race: Tauren  Class: DRUID  Spec: Balance  Level: 100.50   Faction: Horde
    Position: Val'sharah /0 49.10,82.32 (#1018, zone:'Val'sharah', realzone:'Val'sharah', subzone:'Steelclaw Vale', minimapzone:'Steelclaw Vale', micro:'', texture:'Valsharah')
    Target: Rylissa Bearsong ##73426
    Steps: 196  Labels:  Slay_Intruders=34, Ruins_of_Shalanir=144, Lunarwing_Eggs=14, Wild_Undergrells=66, Owlbeasts=75, Undulating_Boneslime=76, Faerie_Fracas=16, Moist_Grizzlecombs=67, Save_Sisters_Of_The_Moon=74, Defend_The_Temple=102, Corrputed_Petals=133, Wormtalon_Harpies=122, Black_Rook_Enemies=167, Save_Lunarwings=13, Barrels_of_Corn=162, Shadowfen_Heirlooms=123, Smolderhide_Furbolgs=22, Root_Cause=101, Moonclaw_Vale=57, Wretched_Sisters=44, Black_Rook_Hold=182,
    --- STEP ---
      map: Val'sharah#1018 /0
      floor: 0
      current_waypoint_goal_num: 2
      isFocused: true
      needsreload: false
      level: 0
      (incomplete, POSSIBLE, not aux)
    1.  "Follow the path up"
        action: goto
        dirtytext: true
        prepared: true
        was_clicked: false
        was_visited: false
        map: Val'sharah #1018 /0 0.5294,0.8421 >15
        visibility condition: walking
        Status: passive  (not completable)
    2.  "Jump down onto the ledge"
        action: goto
        dirtytext: true
        prepared: true
        was_clicked: false
        was_visited: false
        map: Val'sharah #1018 /0 0.512,0.8369 >10
        visibility condition: walking
        Status: passive  (not completable)
    3.  <Talk to Rylissa Bearsong>
        action: talk
        was_visited: false
        prepared: true
        dirtytext: true
        npcid: 73426
        npc: Rylissa Bearsong
        was_clicked: false
        Status: passive  (not completable)
    4.  <Turn in `Archdruid of the Claw'>
        action: turnin
        dirtytext: true
        was_visited: false
        prepared: true
        autotitle: 49.08,82.35
        was_clicked: false
        map: Val'sharah #1018 /0 0.4908,0.8235 (no dist)
        quest: "Archdruid of the Claw" ##38142 (no goal)  - quest in log (id: not completed)
        Status: incomplete (incomplete, POSSIBLE, 0 progress, not aux, 'false')
    5.  <Accept `Frenzied Furbolgs'>
        action: accept
        dirtytext: true
        was_visited: false
        prepared: true
        autotitle: 49.08,82.35
        was_clicked: false
        Lreasons:  questid 38455
        map: Val'sharah #1018 /0 0.4908,0.8235 (no dist)
        quest: "Frenzied Furbolgs" ##38455 (no goal)  - quest not in log (id: not completed)
        Status: incomplete (incomplete, POSSIBLE, nil progress, not aux, 'nil')
    -- Auto Equip Information --Class: DRUID
    Level: 100
    Spec: Balance
    Current Gear
    No Popup Shown
    --- Cached quest log ---
    2. "Archdruid of Lore" ##44106 (lv=100):
    3. "Archdruid of the Claw" ##38142 (lv=100):
    4. "Archdruid of the Vale" ##38382 (lv=100):
    6. "Watershed Patrol" ##25188 (lv=8):
    ... 1. "0/1 Help Raggaran" (monster, 0/1)
    ... 2. "0/1 Help Misha Tor'kren" (monster, 0/1)
    ... 3. "0/1 Help Zen'Taji" (monster, 0/1)
    7. "Conscript of the Horde" ##840 (lv=10, complete):
    ... 1. "Give Kargal Battlescar at the Barrens outpost your recruitment letter." (log, 1/1, complete)
    8. "The Burning Blade" ##25232 (lv=10):
    ... 1. "0/6 Burning Blade Spellscroll" (item, 0/6)
    10. "Nemesis: Draenei Destroyer" ##36930 (lv=100):
    ... 1. "69/500 Draenei Players slain" (monster, 69/500)
    12. "The Battered Hilt" ##24554 (lv=80, complete):
    ... 1. "Bring the Battered Hilt to Myralion Sunblaze at Quel'Delar's Rest, south of the Argent Tournament Grounds." (log, 1/1, complete)
    14. "Assessing the Situation" ##9840 (lv=70):
    15. "Eminence Among the Violet Eye" ##10725 (lv=70):
    ... 1. "Revered / Exalted The Violet Eye" (reputation, 0/1)
    16. "Kalynna's Request" ##9637 (lv=70):
    ... 1. "0/1 Book of Forgotten Names" (item, 0/1)
    ... 2. "0/1 Tome of Dusk" (item, 0/1)
    18. "The Sands of Silithus" ##28856 (lv=55):
    20. "A Curious Oddity" ##38397 (lv=100):
    ... 1. "17/25 Misprinted Draenic Coin" (item, 17/25)
    22. "Proving Grounds" ##7161 (lv=100):
    ... 1. "0/1 Frostwolf Banner" (item, 0/1)
    23. "The Battle for Alterac" ##7142 (lv=100):
    ... 1. "Defeat Vanndar Stormpike." (event, 0/1)
    25. "Val'anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kings" ##13629 (lv=80):
    ... 1. "0/1 Reforged Hammer of Ancient Kings" (item, 0/1)
    27. "What We've Been Training For" ##32863 (lv=100):
    ... 1. "5/10 Players defeated in pet battle" (player, 5/10)
    29. "The Valiant's Charge" ##13721 (lv=80):
    ... 1. "15/25 Valiant's Seal" (item, 15/25)
    -- Travel Route --
     1. [2611] "Val'sharah 49,82" = Val'sharah 1018 /0 49.0,82.2 [start] (closed) (t=0.0/0.0)
     2. [2609] "Rylissa Bearsong" = Val'sharah 1018 /0 51.2,83.7 [end] (closed) (mode:walk from [2611]) [my t=23.6/23.6] (t=23.6/23.6) (waypt: Jump down onto the ledge)

    Thanks for letting us know.
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      Your welcome :-)


        Same here can you fix it plz?

