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LUA script error

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    LUA script error

    I am only Level 102 but at each level, 101 and 102, I received a LUA script error right when I received the WoW Leveled message. I closed the LUA error window and everything seems to keep working with the Zygor Guide. Just wondering if anyone else has seen this?

    Probably was something with the notification pop up at those levels. At 101 we have a pop-up suggesting you go start doing some of the class hall quests and at 102 we pop up to let you know you can go get your 2nd artifact. Try doing a full guide wipe/reset.

    1. exit WoW
    2. go to the WoW/Interface/Addons folder and delete the ZygorGuidesViewer folder
    3. go to the WoW/WTF/Account/<accountname>/SavedVariables folder and delete the Zygor files in there
    4. run the installer client and install a fresh copy of the guides
    5. go back in game and see if that fixed it
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