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Waypoint Arrow disAppearing

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    I just deleted Zygor and reinstalled it from the Members section...for the 2nd time...and it seems to be working better so who knows...Im sure it was operator error on my part

    i appreciate all the response trying to help...dunno what I did different 2nd time but I am so glad it works now...


      spoke too soon...did it again...hell If i know


        Try this, it's a bit off the wall but you never know what might work. Go into the WoW/Interface/AddOns folders and delete all of the Blizzard folders in there. Maybe one of the Blizzard UI elements has something corrupted and deleting those folders will force WoW to download new copies when you log into the game.
        My Flight Path Follies guide

        A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

        I reject your reality and substitute my own.

        All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


          tried that ...again to no avail...


            Ok, another long shot. Try moving your entire WoW folder to a different location. So if it's currently at C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft try moving it to C:\World of Warcraft. Don't forget to make the appropriate changes in the Zygor Updater settings.
            My Flight Path Follies guide

            A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

            I reject your reality and substitute my own.

            All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


              OK tried that too...
              So I just figured out what is actually happening, if not whats causing it, whle running bare WoW...no issue, running Zygor only, if I open my World Map...I lose my player arrow in the minimap, which conversely affects the Waypoing arrow for Zygor.

              But like I said, this doesnt happen with bare bones WoW, and renamed my interface and wtf folders to .bak so I would get all new versions of the stuff in there and when I enable Zygor and open my minimap, I lose the player arrow in minimap.

              I hope this extra infomation helps


                ok well hopefully noone else is having his issue, but if you are, I finally had the 'lightbulb' go off, in the WoW ingame menu System/Advanced/graphics api ...switch from Directx 11 to Directx 9 and all problems go away with waypoing arrow, screen blacking out and minimap arrow going away


                  Hmm, that's interesting. I'll have to do some different testing with DX11 and DX9 to see if that might be the cause of some other oddities.
                  My Flight Path Follies guide

                  A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

                  I reject your reality and substitute my own.

                  All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


                    Originally posted by gimlish View Post
                    ok well hopefully noone else is having his issue, but if you are, I finally had the 'lightbulb' go off, in the WoW ingame menu System/Advanced/graphics api ...switch from Directx 11 to Directx 9 and all problems go away with waypoing arrow, screen blacking out and minimap arrow going away
                    DX9 instead of DX11? Have you checked to make sure your graphics drivers are up-to-date? I'd suspect most of us here are using DX11 without any problems.

                    Also, which graphics card or chip do you have?


                      Having issue with waypoint arrow. Noticed after I downloaded the dailies and events package. When I switched from the leveling guide to the dailies guide, lost my arrow. Switched back to the leveling guide, still no arrow, however, the arrow does re-appear to point me back to my corpse......

                      Any ideas ??


                      80 Rogue

                      80 Warlock

                      80 Death Knight

                      52 Palladin


                        Having issue with waypoint arrow. Noticed after I downloaded the dailies and events package. When I switched from the leveling guide to the dailies guide, lost my arrow. Switched back to the leveling guide, still no arrow, however, the arrow does re-appear to point me back to my corpse......

                        Also, the arrow is only missing on the toon that loaded the dailies and events guide, arrow is still present on my other toons that have not loaded the dailies guide.

                        Any ideas ??


                        80 Rogue

                        80 Warlock

                        80 Death Knight

                        52 Palladin


                          We have a bug in the arrow that we are looking into. You can get the arrow to show again by enabling the Travel System in the options.
                          My Flight Path Follies guide

                          A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

                          I reject your reality and substitute my own.

                          All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


                            thanks Cabby, downloaded lastest Zygor update, seems to have fixed the issue !
                            80 Rogue

                            80 Warlock

                            80 Death Knight

                            52 Palladin

