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Any way to remove the Sell Greys button

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    Any way to remove the Sell Greys button

    Great feature, but i use another addon which gives me a hover over tooltip showing me how much cash I'm going to get from selling the grey items, and they clash.

    Is there any way to disable the Sell Greys button so I can carry on with my original add-on?

    I've disabled all the sell options in the settings, but the button still appears.

    Go to the Interface section under options, then go to AddOns. Under Extra features, in the vendor section, uncheck "Automatically sell grey items".


      But this does not remove the button from the vendor window.


        We will look into adding a way to remove the button.
        Zygor Guides Creative Director


          Looking forward to it already


            Excellent, just got the latest update and the option to remove the button is now there ... but I seem to have another problem. Just before the update I found a checkbox to tun on a windows to "Show Value of Greys", which gave me a window I could move to the bottom of the screen. Now I want to turn it off, but it won't go away
            The checkbox is unticked, but the window is still there. I've tried ticking it and reloading, unticking it and reloading, ticking the box to but the "Sell Greys" back on adn going through the process again, and it just won't go away. I can get rid of it by disabling the Zygor addon completely, I haven't tried a reset to defaults yet but will later.

            Just letting you know that it is either bugged, or I'm doing something wrong

            Keep up the excellent work.


              Maybe resetting all Zygor options helps. To do that search for a ZygorGuidesViewer.lua file in the WTF folder. Rename, move or delete it (I recommend the first to to have a backup, just in case it doesn't help you can go back).


                I've tried renaming and deleting the file you mentioned, but it didn't work. I even hit the reset profile button and it is still showing. I did double check in case it was another add-on, but it is definitely Zygor, it is in the loot.xml file.


                  Can confirm the same issue. The box "Show value of greys" appears anyway when option to "Show.." is disabled. When the option is enabled I actually have boxes "Show value of greys" - one I can close and another one I can only move around...



                    I have the same problem after the last update. I've never selcted 'show value of grey items' but now it shows up on top of my character & won't go away. It's really annoying. Tried turning the option on & off & reloading, still there. The only thing that gets rid of it is to turn of zygor altogether which is not much of a solution.


                      I just found I can actually move it off to the bottom of the screen which helps, but it would still be good to get rid of it.


                        The problem is the Loot.xml file that is not included in the latest guide release but apparently an old Loot.xml gets loaded because the reference was not removed.
                        Normally the repair function of the updater should completely delete the Zygor addons folder and get rid of that file. If it doesn't manually delete the Zygor addon folder or delete this one file (the Loot.xml, not Loot.lua).


                          Doing a repair has been confirmed by others to fix this.
                          My Flight Path Follies guide

                          A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

                          I reject your reality and substitute my own.

                          All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.

