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Alliance guide: Some general problems

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    Alliance guide: Some general problems

    (Have latest version)

    I have encountered several problems with the updated Alliance guide. I apologize for not keeping a log of the problems. It would be nice to have an option in the viewer to allow this.

    On several occasions I have been told to talk to so-and-so and accept a quest. The latest is to talk to Tabetha's cohort and accept "Zeppelin Crash". Alas, he doesn't offer it to me. (Level 40 NE Druid).

    This sort of thing has happened maybe two or three times before this point.

    Another problem is the SIS seems to leave incompleted quests lurking in the quest log. I have had to go back and finish these the "old fasioned" way.

    I have freqauently been told something like "Take the boat to someplace" without any steps leading me to where I'm supposed to catch the boat. I have to back up maybe a dozen steps to figure out what the duce I'm supposed to have done. Same kind of thing happens with FPs.

    Other than that, the new guide does seem to level me faster. Thanks for the good work!


    Today I started a new toon, a Gnome Warlock. It only took a short time to get him leveled to the point where he was sent off to Karnos (sp?).

    I followed every quest, double checking along the way. Leveling was pretty much on target, with a short "grind" to make level 5.

    Then I was sent through the tunnel. Again, I double checked everything. By the time I got through the tunnel, I was level 6+.

    I was told to pick up some quests in Karnos, then into the Inn for some mead.

    At this point the guide skipped several steps. Curious, I backed up to see what was skipped. One of these was "Make Karnos your home". Ooops! Nasty one to skip, I'd say. I think there needs to be a marker that can be set on a step that says "Skip Me Not"!

    Now I'm wondering just what else has been skipped on my Druid. '
    Last edited by mortnoct; January 14, 2010, 07:36 AM. Reason: Add new data