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Wasted Time ?

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    Wasted Time ?

    My Dreani Shaman is progressing ok but this guide seems to have hours of wasted time in it. Rather then have me finish getting level 15 in the starting zone which is relatively quickly to do once you hit 10 the guide sends you on a boat ride to Auberdine where you do like a couple quests then another boatride to Stormwind where you go to Westfall. You finish getting to 15 in westfall and then the guide sends you back to Auberdine.

    Hello ? This is at least 2.5 hours of time traveling doing something that could have been done in the starting zone ?

    Well I think the 2.5 hours is a slight exaggeration, but the idea behind that traveling and doing a few quests is so that you still get XP for those quests that are part of a chain that you'll be doing later on.
    My Flight Path Follies guide

    A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

    I reject your reality and substitute my own.

    All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


      I am curious if you went to wowhead.com and looked at the quests in Auberdine you got after your trips to SW and Westfall, and if they were part of a chain?

      Keep in mind that when you dont use the guide, you are going to be going all over the maps of Eastern Kingdom and Kalimdor anyway; you're just doing it for much, much less xp.

      My 34 pally is currently going to different lands or places only to be told to go back where I was after it skipped. There was a time when I had to go to another area, got there, it told me to go back to the other land, got there, and it told me to go where I just was. Irritating? sure. On the other hand, a friend I worked with (starting together around lvl 36) to get my lock to 55 (now 61) to get my DK (now 80) is still at lvl 56 herself.

      So we started around lvl 36, and she is now 56, and I have done all that I placed here, and much more. Wintergrasp, dailies, leveling professions, helping guildies, 2v2, 3v3, and 5v5 PvP arena matches.....

      I have also lvl'd a hunter from 32 to 36, a mage from 0 to 9, and a shammy from 0 to 8. She is lvl 56 atm, and I have done all this with the guide.

      Just saying; there is a payoff here.
      "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."


        I actually enjoy all the traveling around. It keeps me from going stir-crazy in one area, which is what was constantly happening to me before I started using Zygor Guides. I can't stand staying in one place for, what seems like, forever. Plus, the quests are easy and give a bunch of xp. I don't mind riding a boat, taking a flight, or whatever it is to get me there. I'd much rather take a flight and do an easier quest than stay in the same area, get frustrated doing a quest that's not only hard but not very rewarding at all. And I'm not sure if you're simply running all over or what (lol) but I don't ever spend 2.5 hours traveling. And if you're leveling a mage that has its teleports... even better. If you look at your time vs your leveling, you'll see you come out far ahead. You may not think it seems like it but I know I fly by others in the leveling dept and have a blast doing it.

        You know... there's been several times where I didn't understand why the guide had me do something or I've asked "Why don't I just do this?!" But, in the end, I've realized why and now I just learn to trust it, knowing that they've got this thing down to a science. They've invested all the time researching, etc. Just have fun!
        80 Tauren Hunter - 75 Blood Elf Paladin - 54 Tauren Druid - 47 Undead Mage - 25 Dwarf Paladin - 26 Human Mage

