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Dungeon finder/AV 60-80?

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    Dungeon finder/AV 60-80?

    What are some of your guys times or a rough estimate of your times from 60-80 while questing? I'm about to ding 60 tonight and was wondering if i should do a mix of dungeons/AV or Go straight quests with the guide. Please any advice or feedback would be great. Im sure this has been asked a million times but i couldnt find the right answer im looking for.

    i think a mix is optimal running quest during waiting in queue of dungeonfinder at least to make every dungeon once for the achievment ;-)


      Dont forget that running dungeons gets you access to gear you otherwise would not be able to aquire.

      If an item in dungeon shows up for the need/greed roll and I can use it, I ask in /party if they mind I need on that item.

      I have never been told no, and came up on a need roll against a player once that said they need it as well.

      The prev post about questing while waiting for a dungeon is exactly what I do. Once the dungeon finder tells me I have a group I run to a safe location to 'leave' to the dungeon. This way when I teleport out of the dungeon Im not ganked by mobs straight away.
      "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."

