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Quest Problem**

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    Quest Problem**

    Guide 70-72: Step 13.


    It completely skips the quest and I have to force it on to Step 14 which just says to turn it in.

    I'm not sure what you mean. How does it "skip the quest", when your screenshot shows the quest accept line as available, and the addon wouldn't skip..? Or does it and that's your point? Please explain.


      My husband and I are experiencing a similar problem. Frequently when I accept a quest, Zygor skips forward several steps to the step where you should turn in that quest. I then have to use the "back" button to get back to the quest assignment step.


        I don't think that's the same issue, lewis1r. Your issue is "guide skips quest objective lines, thinking the quest is impossible even if you accepted it a moment ago (and probably goes forward until it hits the Turn In line)". The problem here is that for some quests objectives are not immediately visible, which makes them unrecognized by the guide for some reason. We're working on that one. Temporarily you can work around the problem by unchecking the 'skip impossible steps' option.


          Yea, I skipped it. Thanks.


            Quest problem

            I'm a levl 33 Rogue Im on #88 in 30-35 Alliance. I have turned in the cursed crew" I try to talk with Glorin Steelbrow but nothing happens. I don't know what happened but I think I might be too high level for this quest? I'm afraid that if I don't get the required items I'll be out of sequence for future quests.
            How do I fix this?

