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When to sell goods or do I auction house and how

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    When to sell goods or do I auction house and how

    I am new and level 11 and my bags are full. do I sell off all or any or do I go to a auction house? I don't know how to find a auction house.


    Hi Mike,

    it's a good idea to auction anything of green or higher quality that's not appropriate for you to wear [i.e. the item's tooltip is green, blue (rarer), or purple (even rarer)]. You won't be able to auction soulbound items - you'll have to sell these to a vendor instead. Depending on your server, you might get a few gold for low-level green items (or more if they look good).

    You'll find auction houses in the major cities - Stormwind, Darnassus, Ironforge and Exodar for Alliance. Just ask a city guard for directions. You might find an add-on like Auctionator useful for auctioning things at a suitable price.


      Thank You so much, I was lost and now I have been found.



        Another hint. If it's your first character I recommend at least one gathering profession (mining, herbalism, skinning).
        Also a second character just standing next to an auction house is always a good idea. You don't need to level that character, just run from the starting zone to the first capital city.
        That way you can send all the stuff you want to sell to this character and don't need to travel to the capital city with the character you are leveling.

        Selling gathered materials in the auction house will give you quite some gold. Buy bigger bags first (netherweave bags should be affordable) and then spare gold for later. Though Blizzard reduced the price for riding / flying skills you still need some gold for flying in Pandaria (I think it's 2500 gold) and if you ever played a character with 280% flying available at level 70 for 4000 gold you won't regret spending the gold.

        Buying equipment off the auction house is normally not necessary while leveling.
        If you are level 80 you can buy some equipment in Hyjal or Vash'jir at the first quest hub and at level 85 in Pandaria there are vendors in the second twon you reach (for Alliance it's Pearlfin Village).


          The gear available for purchase in Hyjal/Vash'jir is significantly lower ilvl than questing greens. I thought its purpose was to allow players to get straight into Blackrock Caverns and Throne of Tides.


            Yes, you get better gear while questing. But it may help inexperienced players survive until you completely change your equipment.
            I don't know when you have changed everything with quest rewards but I think it took quite some time.


              Yes, some classes take a while to gear up through questing. I was going to say that it would be just as cheap to buy some Cataclysm greens from the AH to get started but then I looked and people are selling them for silly prices like 500g on my realm. I remember back when Cataclysm first came out that I almost fully geared my mage in questing greens for less than 100g.
              Although I've just bought a pair of 496 gloves pre-gemmed for my hunter for 175g - that must have been a mistake by the seller


                Originally posted by mzanker View Post
                Although I've just bought a pair of 496 gloves pre-gemmed for my hunter for 175g - that must have been a mistake by the seller
                Maybe not a mistake but a smart seller. I've got 3 90 level chars been doing Timeless since it opened (leather - rogue, mail - hunter, plate - dk). I started pushing my warrior this weekend (currently 89 and 70%). He's got tokens in the bank already for every armor spot, including the neck, both rings, and one trinket -- He'll be at i496 as soon as he dings except for weapons and his ghost iron dragonling trinket. My 85 paladin has tokens for about half the slots already. Cloth tokens go straight to vendor for 5g. Mail gets crafted and d'enched (yay! free sha crystal), leather gets crafted and sold. Point is -- that 175g the seller got is mostly free money. iLvl 496 gear is just laying on the ground waiting to be picked up so that BOE equipment wasn't needed and it would only be gems he was out (I've got a JC and vendor some of the cuts when I do my daily secrets of the stone to learn recipes).

