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Quest Impossible

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    Quest Impossible

    This quest seems to be bugged. It's impossible to complete because the Dragonmaw Skirmishers cannot be targeted nor killed. I started the quest over 4 different times, but it always failed to work. I tried bypassing that step of the 4-part quest and I turned in the other steps, but the following quest giver won't give his new quest.

    Twilight Highlands (84-85) Step 174 "Something Brewed"

    invalid target.jpg
    Grundy MacGraff.jpg

    There seem to be many quests in Twilight Highlands bugged with patch 5.4.2. A friend of mine went back to Uldum because of this after we were unable to do the arena quests and he encountered other quest bugs.
    I can only recommend to avoid the whole zone and level in other zones. Luckily as long as quests are green you get full XP so even doing Deepholm will bring you closer to 85 very fast.


      It's not just Twilight Highlands, there's a quest in Ashenvale where the mob you have to kill just evades everything you throw at him and just keeps patting around. What a buggy patch.


        From yesterday's hotfix notes:
        [Requires a realm restart.] Resolved an issue that caused Dragonmaw and Wildhammer NPCs in Twilight Highlands to be non-attackable.

