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How fast to level with heirloom gear

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    How fast to level with heirloom gear

    So i have the chest and shoulder heirloom pieces and have yet to really use them while questing just using it for dungeons so far.

    But what my question is how much faster do you level with heirloom gear while using the guide from 70-80
    80 Gnome Warrior*
    80 Night elf Druid*
    80 Gnome Warlock*
    80 Gnome Mage*
    Maelstrom Alliance US
    * = Leveled with Zygors guide

    Raising Rep and money income with the dailies guides on my main.

    With heirloom gear on while lvling you get alot more xp than you would without it.


      well so far i just did 69 to 70 in an hour guess we will see if i can do the rest that way lol
      80 Gnome Warrior*
      80 Night elf Druid*
      80 Gnome Warlock*
      80 Gnome Mage*
      Maelstrom Alliance US
      * = Leveled with Zygors guide

      Raising Rep and money income with the dailies guides on my main.


        I must say that from 70-80 it is not all about speed, at least in my mind. I say that because if you PUG for those ten levels you will get better equipment then questing. I ran PUGs a LOT my last 11 levels and came out way ahead in the end. I did not speed my way to 80 but once I hit 80 I was much better off.

        Now, if you have 50,000 gold laying around or a guild that is willing to power run you some equipment that is another story. Me? I have 2 RL friends that are 80 but in the same boat as I was so we have to fight for our equipment
        Cairne Realm
        Main: 100 Human Prot Pally
        Alt#1: 100 Tauren Resto Druid
        Alt#2: 60 Dwarf Beast Hunter


          The last time I went 70-80 it was without Heirloom gear and with Cold Weather Flying. I think my longest level was about 5 hours and the last three levels took about 3 hours each. So that's roughly 44h from 70-80. You could approximate with chest/shoulders you could get 20% off that time (down to about 35h).

          Individual results may vary.

          (*Edit: Checked my screenshots of /played time, 70-80 took me 38h on my pally and 46h on my rogue -- heirloom would obviously make this faster)
          Lifetime Natural Bodybuilder

          Current Weight: 222
          Goal Weight: 198
          16 Weeks til WI State Fair Bodybuilding
          22 Weeks til NANBF Badger Classic

