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    When is the guide going to be more class specific? I have used the guid for little over a month and there is a lot of grinding, even with the new version! I am running three characters One a shaman, Paladin and Priest. Now th Pally works a treat cause lets face it they are hard to kill at the best of times. But My Shaman is struggling and my priest well you only have to fart and he die's

    But is there specific class quest ?


    I don't understand what you're saying? More class specific? The team is trying to avoid from that happening so it's fair all around. Grinding? Where? You're doing quests to level your characters up, some of them happen to be ones where you kill a specific monsters to complete a quest objective.

    As far as class quest, well, Zygor didn't deem them necessary enough to attempt to use them, therefore we don't have any. It sounds to me like you have more of a problem with Blizzards form of balancing the game than the guides. I haven't had a problem with questing at all on any of my characters. Maybe a more specific complaint could help me address your points, cause' quite frankly I'm a bit lost ;-).

    It may seem narcissistic to link this, but it's awesome nonetheless.


      I have found myself constantly 1-2 levels ahead of the guide alot of the time...
      "Yeah I called her up, she gave me a bunch of crap about me not listenin' to her enough, or somethin'. I don't know, I wasn't really payin' attention."
      Dumb & Dumber (1994)


        Same here, most of the time when the guide gets to the point where it wants me to be a certain level I'm just about ready to ding the next level and am way ahead of the guide. This just from doing what the guides suggest and no grinding.
        My Flight Path Follies guide

        A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

        I reject your reality and substitute my own.

        All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


          what I think the OP was saying is that all classes have to do the quests in the guide...but we know that some classes are more suited for a lot of these quests than others.

          Priests are gonna have a hard row to hoe from the start, because they are not powerful at all. So for a priest to have to kill the same 15 mobs as a Pally, for instance, can mean a 30-45 minute difference in leveling times (for some people).

          I think what he was asking is, are there different quests that less powerful classes can run to level and would a guide be made just for them...and the answer to that is obviously no.

          The best advice I can give on leveling a priest is...heirloom the crap outta him so you can skip the grinding quests that are killing you at low levels, or find a group to help you.


            It's not that Priests aren't powerful... They are just a healing/support class. Nobody can heal better than a Priest can in my opinion, but the Druid can rez in combat... Either way Priest heals rule!

            If you're having Priest trouble, use the raid finder and run through a few instances to gain some levels and some good gear and you'll have hardly any trouble. The other thing I recommend is joining a guild and meeting up with other members who are the same level as you.

            Or, you could save the priest for later when you have heirloom items.


              I disagree with the priest being the most powerful healer. If you read up on the most successful raiding guilds in WoW today, they use shamans or druids (preferably shamans) to heal, and priests to DPS.
              The advantage to shaman healing is it is one button, heal all, and not healing one-by-one.
              Shamans and druids have rez capabilities, but so do palies.
              Just my research and my experience in heroics.
              "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."


                Eh, I think Priests suck at DPS, unless they're shadow specced... But why would you have a holy class using shadow powers? Plus, Shammys and Druids have to be specced to heal, don't they?

                I'm just saying that a Priests ability to heal is more obvious and they have the ability to shield.


                  The ranged DPS prospects of a priest are second only to a mage. The sheild is good, unless the one being sheilded will take on x2 damage to the sheild.

                  Yes, you have to spec to heal, just as you do to tank or DPS. A combo talent tree between two aspects in a dungeon, in my experience ='s wipe.

                  You can, however, dual spec, as I did with my DK. One spec is to tank, the other for DPS.

                  But asside from what I have done in game, the top raiding guilds in WoW mark priests as DPS, and dont use them for heals. My guess is they may become secondary heals, but that is not their designation in these guilds.
                  "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."


                    First I'd like to agree that leveling a priest in the new dungeon tool is a nice way to go. Decided to try this new tool with my priest as soon as I hit 15 and haven't touched any quests with Zygor since. The priest is now 26 (or 27) and still has a somewhat respectable /played time of 1d 6h at level 25.

                    As for the roles for a priest, I don't believe a shaman or a druid can compare to a Discipline spec priest for tank healing. Of course if you're spec is Discipline then as a priest you're AE healing ability will be lacking and that's where the shaman healing for groups would come in. Now a Holy spec priest would be more comparable to the shaman and druid as they specialize more in AE type healing. This is probably why you say guilds would prefer shamans and druids for raid healing, most priests will spec into Holy thinking this is the best way to go for healing and as such they lose out some on single target healing and thus their healing is more generalized and more or less the same level as a shaman or druid.

                    Either way, if I'm a priest and a guild tells me they'd take me if I'm spec as shadow for dps only then I'd tell em to get stuffed, don't care who they are. My priest is a healer, plain and simple. This is a game where people want to have fun and it's not fun when you pick a healing class because you like to heal and then told you're not allowed to heal. No matter how good a guild might be, there should never be any excuse for making people do things with their toons that they didn't envision when they were created.

                    Most of the time it's more about how you play your class and not what the class is that defines how good you are at a particular job. I've played healing classes in almost every MMO out there so I'd like to think I'm well versed in the intricacies of the healing role. In the last 10+ levels of working in the dungeon tool I've had people tell me there were few priests they'd take into any dungeon and I was one of them, that they wish I were on their server, etc. I've kept a 5man group alive during pulls of 20 mobs, I've let anyone tank that wanted to try it no matter the class and kept them alive (damn mages and their dps agro ), and I've totally enjoyed my time doing it. Yes, there have been occasions where a wipe was inevitable and yes I've punished the stupid fools that want to run around purposefully gathering lots of mobs and endangering the whole group just cause they think it's fun, but even when running back as a ghost I've stayed true to the priest and played a healer while having fun. I think that's all anyone should be doing, having fun.
                    My Flight Path Follies guide

                    A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

                    I reject your reality and substitute my own.

                    All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


                      As far as AoE healing goes: Holy Nova... Light heals and Light DPS

                      I agree with you, Cabby. There are a few people that I've raided with using the DF tool as my priest and they are always happy to see me since I always do such a good job. I suppose that at the end of the day it only matters how many green numbers you can pop.


                        just to put my 2 cents worth in...

                        Priests are the best SINGLE TARGET healer in the game, imo.

                        Druids are the best MULTI TARGET healers in the game, imo.

                        Not sure what I think about Shamans...but I'd rather not have one in the group. 'Course, I feel the same way about Warrior/Druid tanks, but that's another rant entirely.


                          Originally posted by danarris View Post
                          just to put my 2 cents worth in...

                          Priests are the best SINGLE TARGET healer in the game, imo.

                          Druids are the best MULTI TARGET healers in the game, imo.

                          Not sure what I think about Shamans...but I'd rather not have one in the group. 'Course, I feel the same way about Warrior/Druid tanks, but that's another rant entirely.
                          For my $0.02... I like to see either a druid or shammy healer in group. Shammy is a multi target healer and is more efficient, while a druid healer is faster in casting time.

                          A priest can heal a group quite well, if they know what to do in a dungeon. Focus has to be on the tank. The DPS in the group needs to know when to pull back on damage to avoid pulling aggro. The only time I dont worry about that is when there is a shammy healer.
                          "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."


                            I love shammys for the fact of totems, and they are talented in healing... But Enhance is such and awesome spec, I don't see why you would play an incredible DPS class as a healer.


                              Going back to the TC's point, Priests do fine with this guide. I leveled my first character, a Priest, to 80 solo using it. I will say the talents they suggest aren't the best, Holy is better for solo play, especially with Glyph of Smite, until Shadowform is available at 40.

                              You do have to make the most of the instant cast spells with a Priest if you want to make it through multipulls and higher level and elite mobs if you're in quest greens. You need to be running while putting your instants up before you plant your feet and start using cast times.

                              Every class is designed to be able to level solo without a problem, but some of them require more than just turning on auto-attack to get the most out of them.

