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Am I doing something wrong?

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    Am I doing something wrong?

    I am lvling a Warlock which is almost 47. The problem I am having is that I have been doing lots of quests in the Northern and Southern part of Eastern Kingdom but it is not like I can fly to the North or fly to the South. I have to go to first go to Kalimdor first then get back to Eastern Kingdom. I know the path very well since I have had to do it quite a bit during my time in lvling. Just curious.

    I'm not sure I fully understand what seems to be the problem here. If you are following the steps in the guide then you aren't doing anything wrong. The traveling in the guide is, to our best knowledge, the most efficient questing path in the game. Do you have any specific examples of where exactly you feel you might be doing something wrong?
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      Are you Horde or Alliance? If you are alliance you should be able to fly from northern parts of Eastern Kingdoms (Arathi highlands, Hinterlands etc) to southern parts of Eastern Kingdoms (Stranglethorn Vale, Duskwood, Blasted lands etc). If I remember correctly you can fly directly from Ironforge to Stormwind city and from either of those cities you can reach northern or southern parts.

      If you are Horde I am not sure. But you should be able to get flight path in Badlands, Searing Gorge, Swamp of Sorrows etc to help bridge between northern and southern parts of Eastern Kingdoms.


        Well first of all I have to say that I have been doing random dungeons (with my Horde) while I am using the guide to get better gear and kill faster. Because of this it skips when I should make a place my home so I end not NOT going to certain areas which could be my problem most of all. Crossroads was my home for a long time and then it told me to hearth to a place that I was never told to make my home because it skipped it. So I had to fly somewhere else and then run there. I guess that would be the biggest problem of doing randoms with any guide. I am finally able to fly North and South of Eastern Kingdoms but I dont remember which FP it was that completed the path. I can post later when I get in the game.


          To avoid this problem, go into the dynamic progress and uncheck "Skip Travel Steps."
          Since you are running dungeons as well, my advise to you is, when you get a "the path to (xyz) starts here" or whatever, go forward into the guide to ensure you actually need to go to this part of the guide.
          "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."


            Kargath in the Badlands is the fp which connects the two halves of the Eastern Kingdom.
            My tanks:
            Losfer 110 Tauren Protection Paladin Area 52
            Prassan 110 Tauren Guardian Druid Area 52
            Theomach 102Tauren Protection Warrior Hyjal
            Paschendale 100 Night Elf Brewmaster Monk Sargeras
            Shangol 100 Troll Blood Death Knight Area 52
            Nassic 100 Blood Elf Vengeance Demon Hunter

            My DPS:
            Kastenessen 100 Human Fire Mage Sargeras
            Thoraynayla 110 Orc Marksmanship Hunter Arear 52
            Findail 101 Forsaken Destruction Warlock Area 52

