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helpfull tip.

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    helpfull tip.

    Hey guys. First of all its a greate guide i just wanted to say that. and second i found a little thing that could help ppl. In the lvl 72-74 Step 74. you get to accept a quest from a goblin on a boat. but one thing i noticed was that the tauren next to the goblin could sail me to the quest area and it didnt say it in the guide that i needed to talk to the tauren. some players may not notice that thay can talk to the tauren. so if you can set a little tip about talking to the tauren it would be greate ^^

    Ill keep that in mind while I get my next toon close to that level area; hopefully the coders will place that into the guide code!
    Character Progress....
    8[u][b]5[/b][/u] Shammy
    80 Druid
    80 Death Knight
    80 Pally

