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Difficulty goof?

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    Difficulty goof?

    Guide Human 1-13; step 75, level 7:

    This has you going into an area as level 7 that has level 9 and 10 murlocks. Pretty tough for a clothie. I was there at level 8 with my baby mage and still died a couple of times getting it. And I'm an experienced player...

    Hi there, I had a mage when I leveled it did fine when i first tried it Just spammed fire bolt and then flame strike but now you get fire bolt and arcane missles just spam those till there dead you can do it.. if not make a new toon that suits you i personally made a paladin who is almost 55 heeh best of luck what server are you on im on Khadgar!!!


      Well, you can't spam Arcane Missile -- it's only available on a proc now. But that is neither here nor there...

      I wasn't complaining per se, just trying to help fine tune the guide. Could I have done it without dying? Probably. It's just this particular step/quest seemed out of line on the difficulty scale as opposed to what I was seeing on other steps.


        It's probably a little too difficult as is, if that is the case - sorry about that. Thanks for reporting. However, in a couple of weeks, the entire 1-60 leveling experience will change, and this will no longer be a problem. :-)
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