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Worgen -- Step 217

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    Worgen -- Step 217

    Just bought the guide, and tried to use the Smart Injection System, it takes me to step 217, this tells me to talk to Genn Greymane, however, this person does not have any quests for me. Decided to go back a step to 214, assuming it was part of a chain, same thing, I go to Krennan Aranas and they also do not have a quest for me. Kind of annoying, would be nice if it worked as advertised, unless I'm doing something wrong (Built a more idiot proof system, they will build a better idiot)

    Played for a bit more, now I'm level 16, it refuses to allow me to go past level 13 (step 217) when I use the system. I can pick it manually and it works, but I would prefer the system pick that out for me. (And yes, I purchased all products, and like I said, I can go there manually, but I have no idea if maybe the license didn't take fully or something.)


    I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
    Twitter @Chaos5061.
    Translations are done with Google Translate.


      If you disable the SIS (go into the dynamic progress section of the options, disable the 4 checkboxes and move the slider to level 80) you can go to the beginning of the guide and rightclick the next step arrow to fast forward through the guide.

