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Glyphs Frost Mage

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    Glyphs Frost Mage

    I tried to use the Glyph advisor with frost mage, and it told me to buy Deep Freeze and Arcane Brilliance. These glyphs however are not for Level 40 character. This has dearly costed me. I know I can use the glyphs later, but I'd rather have had the glyphs for my level. Can you please change this?

    These will be changed later in a update for the guide. For now the glyphs are not in order by level just in order by importance to the talent build. They will most likely be changed around at a later date.
    I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
    Twitter @Chaos5061.
    Translations are done with Google Translate.


      The Glyph advisor is to show you what glyphs we recommend for your Total glyphs to have. When you are ready to purchase them just look through what you are able to use and put that in for your level. When you are level 85 these are simply all the glyphs that we suggest it best for your Talents.
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