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Looking for Users in Ravencrest

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    Looking for Users in Ravencrest

    I am looking for other Zygor players that have a toon in Ravencrest that have just hit 70 or are about to hit 70 and go to North.

    I am 69 as of this morning and will be plugging along to hit 70. Once I hit 70 I would like to move to North from Outland and wrap up the 70 - 80 with a partner or team.

    If there are any interested, send me a message. I have my own guild I use for bank, but will open it up for others for this last leg of lvl'ng.

    If you are ingame in Ravencrest, add Dkkamchak to your friends list and pst me when I come online. I am leaving all other toons parked until I get to 80 with the DK.

    Hope to join up with others soon.

    "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."

    I should point out that I will NOT be taking anyone around that is not a user of Zygor guides to circumvent purchasing the guide... And I will check. I consider that stealing and using, so please dont bother if you havent purchased the Alliance guide.
    "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."

