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Skipping Home Locations

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    Skipping Home Locations

    While the new feature where the guide skips steps when you level ahead of it is very sweet indeed, I have to say I find it somewhat annoying that it also skips steps saying "Make [location] your home location."

    It makes me having to open the guide and re-read everything back to my last fulfilled entry every time I notice the guide skips a few steps. And that's provided I do notice it. When I don't, I occasionally end up in Booty Bay when I were supposed to hearth to Camp Taurajo (for example), making the concept of the guide as a timesaver samewhat moot.

    What's the thought behind this?


    Originally posted by kampai View Post
    While the new feature where the guide skips steps when you level ahead of it is very sweet indeed, I have to say I find it somewhat annoying that it also skips steps saying "Make [location] your home location."

    It makes me having to open the guide and re-read everything back to my last fulfilled entry every time I notice the guide skips a few steps. And that's provided I do notice it. When I don't, I occasionally end up in Booty Bay when I were supposed to hearth to Camp Taurajo (for example), making the concept of the guide as a timesaver samewhat moot.

    What's the thought behind this?

    Go into the now infamous dynamic process and uncheck "Skip Ancillary Steps." If your guide blasts you through 5 levels of quests to get you caught up, it will stop at each "Get Flightpath" or similar steps.
    "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."

