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Where too next?

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    Where too next?

    So ive been following this guild and am currently on the Northrend 72-74 step 49 yet one of the prior quests in the line, "Test At Sea" is apparently broken as noted on wowhead.com. Because of this, the quest line cannot be continued and I believe that the quests I am being told to do are the quests that continue this line. Was wondering where I should pick up now that the only quests left in the 72-74 guide are either a continuation of the "Test At Sea" quest, or opened up by it. Any help or finger in the right direction would be nice. Thanks

    Just continue normally, and manually skip anything you cannot complete due to this bug. Hopefully Blizzard fixes this soon. :-(
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      I guess i am more confused as to where I need to pick up again. I skipped the quest that was bugged and continued on as normal, but I am at a point now where I am needing to continue the quest line. I skip and skip looking for a quest I can pick up on again, but I am seeing that all of them end up being someone I can't get a quest from.


        Regarding the quest "Test At Sea", some people have posted comments on wowhead:

        "I reported the bugged quest, and a helpful GM answered "We have completed that quest for you, so now you should be able to carry on with the chain".

        I suggest that everyone should post a ticket to have the achivement attainable."

        Try opening a ticket and being really polite to see if a GM will complete the quest for you, so that you can carry on with the quest chain as normal.

        Good luck.
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          Thanks. Opened a ticket and hoping for the best.


            What quest's follow...

            I was able to get a GM to mark the quest as complete for me but I've seen notes on other sites stating that they are not suppose to be doing this any longer I did thought mention specifically how much XP (See below) and Rep I was missing out on and that I had completed the quests up to that point and past and it was really throwing things off a bit for me. In case anyone is skipping steps though related to this quest line and don't know which are legit or not please see below.

            Hope it helps... JP

            New Agamand - 1250 XP
            A Tailor-Made Formula - 12650 XP
            Apply Heat and Stir - 9500 XP
            Field Test - 12650 XP
            Time for Cleanup - 3150 XP
            Parts for the Job - 20100 XP
            Warning: Some Assembly Required - 15800 XP

            That's a total of 75100 XP as well as 1,650 in misc Rep.


              This was taken from a poster on WoWHead.

              The reason this quest is bugged is because the area around the ships is no longer labeled as "Sea Reaver's Run" and the item cannot be used. There is a workaround for this, but it's extremely long and frustrating. It requires that the character already have cold weather flying, and an actual flying mount (Druids in flight form can't use items).

              First, fly up to the Argent Tournament grounds, and then fly north to the Hrothgar's Landing zone. The first set of ships you fly over is the subzone marked as "Sea Reaver's Run". Once in that zone, you can use the Plague Vial item, turning your cursor into the hand icon with the targeting reticle.

              Now comes the frustrating part - you have to manually fly all the way back to the original quest area, without using the right mouse button to steer. Using the Insert and Delete keys on the keyboard allows you to pitch up and down on your flying mount, and you can still use the right button to move the camera. The distance between the two subzones is about 14,000 yards, which is a 15 minute or so flight on a regular flying mount. You can pretty much fly straight there, semi-afk, but there are a couple of tall mountains you have to steer around.

              Once you get back to the original quest spot, you can then use the targeting reticle (which should still be up) to throw the Plague Vial at the ship. This will hit anywhere from 3-6 of the Reservists, depending on how lucky you are with your aim. So, at a minimum, you'll need to repeat this awful process three times. As of January 9th, this workaround is still functioning, as I just completed this quest on my druid. Good luck, and I hope it works for you.

              Sidenote: I've opened three seperate GM tickets, and they all refused to complete the quest for me. I'm assuming the few people who had the quest completed for them were exceedingly lucky, and I wouldn't count on a ticket working. Especially with wait times > 48 hours, it's faster to just use this terrible workaround.
              You just keep doin' what it looks like you're supposed to be doin', no matter how crazy it seems.

