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Lvl 56 starting.

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    Lvl 56 starting.

    I lvl'd this hunter to lvl 56 with zygors in the very beginning. Now I'm 58 already by rested xp + some dungeons, but it's been months since I played it. Nearly a year I think. Now I need to go Winterspring but I can't. I right click the go on button on the guide and Ill do whatever it needs me to do. I keep flying from east to westlands(UC to ORG, etc.). This is rly annoying but I think it has to do with a client update from you guys.(path change or w/e) What should I do? Just do all quest where it stops.(currently at 56, im 58)?
    I think this has something do to with rep.?

    Kind regards,


    Just follow the guide.
    At this time, rep is not a factor in what quests the guide will have you do.
    You should have no problems if the guide is at lvl 56 and you are level 58.
    All 4 of the 80's I leveled with Zygor guides hit 80 when the guide was for lvl 77.
    "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."

