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Horde guide not showing me to collect quests

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    Horde guide not showing me to collect quests

    I am at level 22 and installed your guide very excited about not woundering around picking every quest up and going in the correct direction, i ran sis through and it stopped at level 20.65 accept Betrayal frm within which i already have in my log,Right clicked a couple of times got to 93.L21 accepted further instruction which i did but still showing red and then keep accepting quests from there on all staying red and none are showing me how to get to the quest to complete, am i using it right or am i beening a newbie i am getting lost sorry. i accepted all the quests up to 99 L21 and now wont show me how or where to collect the quests. Help please

    Sounds like a conflict with another addon. If you have any other addons that work with your quest log try disabling them. Also, make sure any other addons have been updated. Sometimes you have to go thru and disable other addons one by one to find out which one conflicts with the guides. Either way the guides should be working fine and 95% of the time something like this happens it's an addon conflict.
    My Flight Path Follies guide

    A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

    I reject your reality and substitute my own.

    All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


      Ok i have shut down any addons that may conflict which was mapster all rest are auctioneer and still no luck, if i right click on the red line accept whatever it turns green and the sis starts moving through to the next quest i accepted again i right click turns green and skips quests etc and stops at 106 L21 turn in Golbin invaders which is green and got a tick is this right i mybe follow from here but what happins with all the quests i accepted & are in my quest log ? Sorry confused at the moment


        Well, normally the guide will have you pick up quests and do them much later. You don't always go and do the quests right after you pick them up. Still not sure why it's not recognizing stuff for you and you have to right click the line tho. Maybe the more tech savvy zgdev will be thru soon and have some better ideas for you.
        My Flight Path Follies guide

        A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

        I reject your reality and substitute my own.

        All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


          Ok was wondering if u do pick up lots and complete them later, i am having some issuses with wow the screen freezes and jumps a bit some times when running, I downloaded the full wow game the same night the patch came out so got them together then downloaded your guides, i am also running the auctioneer suite u sugested, the guide did get me to accept a quest and complete it straight away was 93:21 Ziz fizziks Super Reaper 6000 then accept further instructions (part1) and from there is when i just keep accepting quests till 99:21 Accept Elemental War.


            if something doesnt work just skip it untill you fall into the guide path later on. ive noticed when picking up the guide on an alt already lvld some of the way that you need to just skip some things untill you align yourself with the guides path
            80 Paladin
            80 Hunter
            74 Shaman
            71 Death Knight
            70 Rogue
            70 Druid
            64 Warlock


              Ok thank u I now motoring along smashing quest left right and centre lovin it thank u guys for a great guide don't play for long each day so it's nice to know I heading in the right direction and leveling up at a good speed, again thanku :-)

