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how to kick in the um.. SIS?

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    how to kick in the um.. SIS?

    I installed Zygor after I had already done some questing in Grizzly Hills and ZulDrak.

    It does a pretty good job of fast forwarding past things I've already done when they come up. Sometimes it doesn't know some things (like if a step says "Go to Ebon Hold", there's no way for Zygor's to know to skip that part).

    When this happens I'll manually click over to the next step. The next step will be all green b/c i've done those things already. So I'll click to the next one, and it's already green to. Is there something I can click on to make it start going to the next step on it's own until it finds something I haven't done? Sorta like when I turn in a quest and the next 2 steps are already completed it will auto-advance through them

    Right click on the next step button to start the fast forward.
    My Flight Path Follies guide

    A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

    I reject your reality and substitute my own.

    All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


      Turn off travel steps. Problem solved (I think)

