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Go to Blasted Lands - 23,000 yards

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    Go to Blasted Lands - 23,000 yards

    I'm in Tanaris and the guide is telling to go Blasted Lands which is 23,000 yards away. I think the guide is missing a step or two here. Now I have to figure how to to to the blasted Blasted Lands.

    Which guide and step does this happen? Or did you skip ahead to the next guide, probably at level 58?

    To go to Blasted Lands from Tanaris: fly to Ratchet, take the boat to Booty Bay and fly to Swamp of Sorrows (or if you have a Flight point in Blasted Lands fly dircetly there).


      I don't know what you mean by which guide and step.

      I leveled up to 58 and the guide said I'm now ready to go to the next area and I accepted.

      Aren't boats for Alliance?


        I asked about the guide because it may have been possible that inside a zone guide a travel step was missing.
        But if you skipped ahead from the previous zone this is normal that you may need to travel a bit. The Zygor team are aware of these problems and work on solutions if necessary.

        The boat from Ratchet to Booty Bay is neutral and can be used by both factions.

        I forgot about this: you can also fly to Orgrimmar and take the portal to Blasted Lands, coordinates are 44.7,67.9.


          I flew to Org and took the zeppelin. That portal sounds good.


            Hehe, third option would have been the Zeppelin to Grom'gol but then the portal came into my mind when I looked into the guide file


              Why does the guide send you to another continent just for two levels? Do you have to be on that continent to get to Outland?


                Not necessarily as you can find a portal to Blasted Lands in every city and you go from there through the portal.

                Between level 50 and 60 there are not enough zones on each continent so the Eastern Kingdoms guide sends you to Winterspring for some levels and the Kalimdor guide to Blasted Lands.
                I think you can stay in Kalimdor if you do Silithus (which does not seem to be in the leveling path if you follow the guide) but Silithus is a pain to play, only grinding quests, no safe paths...


                  I often cancel the offer to load the next area's guide. I like to finish a zone and get the quest achievement, means more money and sometimes less xp/time wasted in traveling to the new zone.


                    My guide wont skip

                    My guide tells me to teleport to the blasted lands from Org, so I did. When i arrived it said take portal back to Org. I tried to skip the step but it says the guide cannot be found.
                    Please help me this is really annoying because i cant do anything. I am also a level 58.



                      Which guide can't be found? Do you have any chat window messages?
                      My Flight Path Follies guide

                      A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

                      I reject your reality and substitute my own.

                      All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


                        I get similar glitches like that too but I know what the next step is so I just click on the coords in the guide page or manually advance to the next step and carry on. Not a big enough problem, imo, to complain about.

