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Loremaster quests Ashenval

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    Loremaster quests Ashenval

    I am trying to get my Loremaster achievement for Ashenvale and the guide stops well before the 62 required quests. I have been trying to find the missing quests but cannot get more than 56 quests found. The guide stops after Gurtar's Request. Am I missing something? Sorry if this has been covered somewhere else, but I did not find it.

    The Horde Ashenvale leveling guide is split into two parts (as some other guides too): level 20-23 and 23-26.
    Unfortunately something in the guide viewer has changed so that the loremaster guide only loads the first part.
    Please go into the leveling guide section and choose the Ashenvale 23-26 guide from there.


      That was the problem. Thank you.


        Please update your guides as this has been addressed in a fix now. Note that currently there is a wrong number in the ver.lua file which will cause the Updater to keep wanting to endlessly update. Once you've done one update cycle you'll have the current files so at that point just close the Updater and use the normal WoW link on your desktop, then run the Updater again in a day or two and it should be fixed by then.
        My Flight Path Follies guide

        A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

        I reject your reality and substitute my own.

        All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.

