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Going through a Profession guide - Step by step

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    Going through a Profession guide - Step by step

    I seems to have a problem to browse through Herbalism step by step.

    Downloaded the Guide when I was around level 485 or so and now the guide will only show me step 1, 3 and 64.

    I had the idea that I could manually browse through a manual, like in the leveling guides?
    What "check box" have I missed?

    As it stands, the guides will just jump over sections you're over-skilled for. It's been suggested, particularly for the gathering profs, to be able to view the lower-skill sections for farming and routes and whatnot. Possibly in a future update.

    EDIT: Alternatively, if you get really nuts you can open the professions guide in a text editor and read through it that way. But, that means window-switching and whatnot.


      Thanks for the answer, Daeymien.

      I kind of liked the lay-out of the Zygor "route" guide. Thought I might use it instead of f.ex. "Gatherer" when gathering for low level alchemy potions for my alts or guild members. Allthough that didnt really help me when I was leveling my Alchemy profession. Seems to be easier to buy my herbs in auction house rather than farm it... seemed a bit broken.

      Well overall, I am happy with the new Zygor guides.


        Originally posted by richofen View Post
        TSeems to be easier to buy my herbs in auction house rather than farm it...
        Depending on your server economy it may be easier to make gold with questing and buying materials off the AH. Especially when you don't have the 280% flying skill.

        I'm sure we get the farming routes as separate guides in the future. Until then you can take a look at wowhead.com. Just search for a resource and it shows you a list of zones with the number of nodes and a map of the selected zone. For example iron ore:

