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Tailoring can't progress

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    Tailoring can't progress

    yes well i ran into a problum with my mages tailoring
    ok i need to be lv30 to gather the stuff required i had it all farmed on my warrior as we did instence runs

    we had all the silkcloth and magaweave cloth

    i found out that silkcloth is already grayed out at my current level but then i click back a few it still says buy 800+

    what do i need to do?

    please fix this asap

    my mage just dinged on 20

    The shopping list before each section says what you need for the whole section. If you are a few points before the next section you don't need the whole stuff.
    It was suggested that the guide should take into account what you already did and then reduce the amount needed. But that's a pretty difficult thing to implement.

    At which step and skil level are you exactly?

