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Levelling mining with smelting

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    Levelling mining with smelting

    Not sure whether I'm missing something obvious here but it appears that the choice of guides is to level mining just by mining ore or level mining by smelting and buying the ore. How about a guide to level mining with a combination of smelting and mining? I've found this to be quicker and cheaper than the above two options.

    I'll add this to the suggestions to see what the content team think.
    My Flight Path Follies guide

    A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

    I reject your reality and substitute my own.

    All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


      Thanks Cabby, that would be good. I found you could do each section in the mining by gathering guide by mining to get half of the skill points then smelting what you'd mined to get almost to the next training point. I got to 350 in two days and made around 2500g from selling the bars


        I always found smelting at the earliest opportunity to be the best way to level mining. Only problem is that you need the ore, which you either mine for or buy. Reason for this is that as you get higher in the skill levels and new recipes, the smelting gives you fewer skill points (if any at a certain point), so you want to utilise the smelting skill ups as much as possible.
        Thankfully most servers have a good market for the ore/bars

