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Hunters' mark, then 'Aimed Shot', then some other spell

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    Hunters' mark, then 'Aimed Shot', then some other spell

    As any hunter (of sufficient level) knows, the first thing you do is cast 'Hunters Mark' on the selected target.

    This is often followed by a spell that is not an instant spell; eg: Steady Shot, Aimed Shot, etc.

    Often, the first spell may not kill the target (as is the case when attacking a high lvl target)

    However, the first spell after the Hunters Mark takes time to cast, up to 1.5 seconds.

    How do you write the following macro?

    1) Target the closest harmful target (unless a harmful target has already been targeted)

    2) Cast Hunters Mark on the selected target

    3) Cast Aimed Shot on the selected target

    4) If the target is not dead, cast Concussive Shot (or similar)

    5) If the target is not dead, cast Wyvern Sting (or some other instant spell)

    6) Repeat step 5 (and maybe step 4, for really hard to kill targets) with differing spells until the target dies.

    An answer that shows how to actually do this would be very much appreciated!



    Blizzard has made a lot of changes to the macro system so something like this with one key press is no longer able to be done. You can't use a macro to pick a target like you asked so you'll still have to select your target yourself. Also since there is no delay or pause in the macro anymore we're stuck using /castsequence and you have to hit the macro for each spell in the list. Here's the closest you can do:

    Macro 1:
    /castsequence [harm, nodead] reset=target Hunter's Mark, Aimed Shot, Concussive Shot, Wyvern Sting

    Macro 2:
    /castsequence [harm, nodead] reset=target Concussive Shot, Wyvern Sting

    The [harm, nodead] flag means that you won't try to use the spells on a friendly or dead target. For the first one since there are 4 spells listed you'll have to press/click the macro 4 times to get thru all of the spells before it will reset back to Hunter's Mark. The reset=target flag will cause it to reset if you change targets (or the target dies at which point you automatically lose your target). The second macro is there for you to setup your spell rotation you want to use after having gone thru the first macro and the target is still alive. You'll have to press/click the second macro as many times as the number of spells you put into it to go thru the whole list. So with these 2 macros you get a target, cycle thru macro one until you've done your Wyvern Sting, then just keep pressing macro two until it's dead.

    Now you can try to get a little tricky at the beginning of the /castsequence to help automate the targeting some, but it will never be able to pick a random hostile target for you.

    /castsequence [harm, nodead] [@targettarget, harm, nodead] [@focus, harm, nodead] [@focustarget, harm, nodead] [@mouseover, harm, nodead] reset=target Spellname, Spellname, Spellname, etc.

    This casts a spell or ability on a priority based target. If you are targetting an enemy, it will cast at your target; if you are targeting a friend who is attacking a mob, it will cast at their target; if you have no target, but your focus is a mob (i.e. boss fight), it will cast at the mob; if you have no target but your focus is friendly and has an enemy target, it will cast at the enemy; and finally if your mouse is over an enemy target it will set that enemy as your spell target. For the last one you need to be careful because if you use the reset=target flag then you could accidentally reset/switch spell target with your mouse, so I don't recommend it for something like this, it's better to use with buffing/healing type macros.
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      Thanks for the comeback cabby... I had a bad feeling that you were going to tell me I wouldn't be able to time stuff; although the "/castsequence" command looks like it could come in handy.

      Thanks again!


        Yeah, there used to be a delay/pause command that could be used to help automate it some but that limited you to 3 spells in a macro. Blizzard decided that this command allowed too much automation in the macro system which could be exploited with some botting systems/macro enabled keyboards (like the G15) so they removed it.
        My Flight Path Follies guide

        A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

        I reject your reality and substitute my own.

        All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.

